Hi Maria,
I'm sorry we missed your post!
There is no "one" way on teaching multiple languages - what you mentioned (one language in the morning and the other in the evening) is something you can do.
Here are a few ways that you can try:
- Designate specific days in a week where you'll teach and use only 1 language for the entire day (e.g., English on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Spanish on Wednesdays and Fridays, etc.)
- Make sure you keep exposing your son to both languages outside his daily LR lessons. You can do that by talking to your son in those languages, using other teaching materials in those languages, or even through games.
- You can label things around the house in both languages so your son can always see what things are called in the languages he is learning.
You can do a test run of different methods for a certain period of time, then try to see which way seems to work best for your son and stick with that. Do note that as he grows older you may need to change your teaching style a bit later on.
If you ever run out of ideas, please check out our "Teaching Your Child - Signing, Speaking, Languages" board :