Hi priti_2014, I believe you are referring to files that have the
*.cat extension, which are all filed in the "Little Reader" section of our Library.
I'd like to clarify that all files found in the "Little Reader," "Little Math" and "Little Musician" sections of the BrillKids Library are
only compatible with our Little Reader, Little Math and Little Musician software. If you don't have our software installed, you won't be able to open or use those files.
If you are looking for flash cards, activity sheets, or ebooks in *.pdf format (there are also a few in *.doc / *.docx format), please go to the "Free Format Downloads" section of the Library:
http://library.brillkids.com/category.php?cid=5&type=1We also have slideshows in *.ppt / *.pptx format in the Free Format section in case you are also interested in those.
I hope this helps!