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Author Topic: worried about child  (Read 14646 times)
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« Reply #15 on: June 15, 2009, 04:33:30 PM »

Yes, call Dr. Mercola a.s.a.p!  He is truly an awesome doctor and his is on the cutting edge of medicine and nutrition and eating behavior.   This is his specialty so get in touch with him right away.  His website is  .

Also, the fact that your child eat a bag of any type of food to point of passing out is strange.  Most children, especially when they are toddlers self regulate their food intake.  Left to their own devices they will eat until they are full and move on.  Don't get me wrong they all overeat or undereat or want to eat the wrong stuff but not in the way that your boy did.  Even with plain sugar children will eat a lot of it if it's left out but not a whole bag in one sitting.  They would eat a lot  but then get distracted by all the other awesome stuff to do and take a break and then come back to it.  I think the fact that your boy eat a whole bag of ANYTHING to the point of passing out tells us that he has a problem with self regulating things he finds that good to him (this comes back to salivating on the meat beast he is fantasizing about).   And the fact that he is very particular with what he eats also is a sign of an eating disorder.  He is fixated on food in a way that is hard to put a finger on.   But I am sure a specialist has seen this before for sure. 

But again, he is an awesome artist for sure. 

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« Reply #16 on: June 15, 2009, 05:11:50 PM »

I'm guessing that your child's age is 5 yo? You mentioned that he's your youngest and your profile says that your current child is 5 yo. You're not exaggerating when you said that he's advanced in art for his age! His work is amazing! I believe your child is gifted in every sense of the word.

I wouldn't worry for his obsession though. In my opinion, food is just another thing one can be a little obsessed with. Eating may be the most delightful activity he has experienced hence his "obsession". Of course, consulting a professional is the best way to ease your fears especially he has a weight issue.

You could try activities that involves "food" as a reward (healthy foods that is). He will not like the physical activity at first but soon his body will eventually "beg" for the exercise. I can say this because when I was a couch potato, I dreaded exercise but when I started exercising, a day is not complete without it.  This may not be the case with your boy but it wouldn't hurt to try mixing physical activity while using his penchant for food as a reward. Instead of showing him that his "food obsession" is "bad", you could take this opportunity to introduce healthy eating habits. You could bake healthy dishes with him, etc.

Well wishes for your art genius!


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« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2009, 09:22:50 AM »

I think the art obssession is not the problem at all. He draws very well and at his age will draw what fascinates him. If he draws for 3 hours then it means he is not eating the food he is thinking about for 3 hours because he is concentrating on drawing. Obviously young children do need to vary their activities so try to encourage him to try other things too - if he's interested in arts, try some crafts too and also encourage physical activities - if he is 5/6 years old then usually you can make them excited enough to play quite roughly and get enough exercise even if it is informal rather than formal sports.

Does he eat healthy foods? I would take him to a doctor to have his weight and diet checked and like others said his thyroid. There are other conditions involving growth hormones that can make babies very fat too and that can be looked at (especially if his siblings are a normal size) but I don't think the drawing obsession is a problem.


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« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2009, 12:14:47 PM »

Yes, call Dr. Mercola a.s.a.p!  He is truly an awesome doctor and his is on the cutting edge of medicine and nutrition and eating behavior.   This is his specialty so get in touch with him right away.  His website is  .

I would also like to recommend dr Deorio who does phone consultations, he's also on the edge of natural medicine and nutrition, works with homeopathy, he is very intuitive. He helped my son, who had parasite and candida problem. I was desperate to find a good doctor, went thru five pedriatitians who ignored the problem saying that Kaietan has nightmares. Dr Deorio was referred to me by a friend who also had huge health problems and he helped her.

I also called doctor Mercola, he's in my area but the prices are so high I could not afford him.

Dr. Deorio's number 310-828-3096

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« Reply #19 on: June 20, 2009, 04:02:01 PM »

Hi Zach, According to your profile, you have a kid who is 6 y.o., For his age, he is very creative and imaginative. Please don't be so bother with this becuase I think child that age have full of imagination. He must love food so much and probably in his growth spurt. Maximize his growth potential by giving him only healthy food and encourage him to play games that requires physical activity. Try outdoor activity such as walking and biking, this will divert his mind from drawing. Good luck.

Zach Sutton
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« Reply #20 on: June 21, 2009, 10:35:14 AM »


Thank you for your replies.
it has been very helpful.

We are all going to make an effort to improve our little family situation. I have spoken to a specialist.
luckily my Brother Steve works in the medical industry. in the course of his day to day life he meets a lot of doctors specialising in a vast range of different areas.

Steve has actually had a troubles life of his own. When he was growing up his arms suffered from a muscle wasting disorder that has left him with what was called at the time "noodle arms". children can me so cruel. However you will be pleased to hear that Steve has overcome the problems that he has had in his life and is now quite well respected in his field. he does still have a rather weak handshake but we can't have everything can we?

he recommended an excellent Doctor that said that he is willing to treat David for free. (isn't that amazing??!)
his methods were frankly quite shocking to me at first. but they seem to be having some effect even after a short time so I think we will peruse this course of action. Did any of the other parents on here find some of the treatments recommended to them worrying (or even shocking to your very core)?.

My other news..
we have actually come into the public eye recently. A documentary crew have contacted us and asked if we would like to take part in a film they are making. it is all about Gifted Children (that are large). it's working title is "big talent" They are very interested in David's drawings of meat beasts.
we have had daily interviews and they are asking me to share some of the family recipes that we eat here in the household. (some of them are closely guarded secrets. I am going to change some of the ingredients before I disclose the cooking methods. my great aunt would turn in her grave is I gave away the true ingredients for her 16 sausage upside-down cake.)
Steve has tried to deeply involve himself in the filming process. I am actually worried. some equipment has gone missing and I really fear Steve may have been involved. I think the only reason the police haven't been involved at this point is because no one can see how he would have carried it away. My partner wants no part of the filming process. she was never really one for this kind of thing.
I didn't realise that we were quite so interesting.
they think that we might actually be able to sell some of Dave's  scrawlings to some wealthy folks.
I didn't know such a thing was possible.  I mean, would any of the people here have a "meat beast" on their wall?
would that be something that you can Imagine having in your home?
(if so, I would be happy to post you one. I have 100's)

I can't believe that coming to this forum for help has actually helped my family this much.

in the past week it has been David's Birthday. The family has decided to use this date as a milestone.
the Family all have to be involved. we are walking David up to 6 times a day now as per Dr Vincent's instructions.

Thank you all so much.


« Last Edit: June 21, 2009, 10:38:58 AM by Zach Sutton » Logged
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« Reply #21 on: June 21, 2009, 09:22:40 PM »

Big Talent? Is there a link between Big and Talent? Just curious and where and when does it premiere? Also, out of curiosity, what methods did the doctor recommend? My nephew is rotund for his age of 7. Thanks!

Zach Sutton
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« Reply #22 on: June 27, 2009, 10:06:39 AM »

Hello Friends.

a great deal indeed has happened since my last post.
I am very happy to say that David has lost a few pounds. he is looking much happier within himself. I SAW HIM SMILE YESTERDAY! (he was looking at some cookies, but I am not going to let that dampen my joy.

as you may have read we were the focus of some media attention. that is over now. the crew have gone and our home feels somewhat empty now. do you think that media attention would be good for a young boy?

we are continuing with Dr Vincents practices and as I mentioned at above they really seem to be working. david finds it hard being away from the family unit at night time but I think it is for the greater good.

his art is coming on leaps and bounds. the subject matter has changed somewhat over the past few weeks. he has started drawing our family members now. I will upload some images if you guys would like to see. thanks again for your support over the weeks. 

I have just had a great idea!!! David said he doesn't know what to draw. he is always looking for something new to doodle. would anyone like to have a picture or their child drawn by david? he is very good.

Thanks for your time.

-Zach Sutton

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