hello asd!
i started with the doman method when I found this site. the members are very very helpful in giving the instructions. i thought at first my daughter also did not recognize words. because i started teaching her the ABC flashcards which contained pictures of the word that started with each letter (e.g. A = picture of an apple) when she was only 7-8months old-- i think. and i tried testing her as well -- putting 2 cards in front of her and asking her where a particular card is. she was able to identify pictures. but don't lose hope. just follow the doman method of introducing new words which is explained in one of the threads here:
http://forum.brillkids.com/general-discussion-b5/gentle-revolution-and-glenn-doman%27s-method/my daughter is 14 months old and she started to identify the words from the simple flash cards i made her during the 3rd day of repetition. i dont know if the doman menthod works off of the theory of engram formation but it is working for my baby. just remember the
Doman's General Rules of Teaching as posted by pupisek:
Doman's general rules of teaching are following:
Begin as young as possible.
Be joyous at all times.
Respect and trust your child.
Teach only when you and your child are happy.Create a good learning environment.
Stop before your child wants to stop.Introduce new materials often.Be organized and consistent.
Do not test your child.
Prepare your materials carefully and stay ahead.
Remember the Fail-Safe Law: If you are not having a wonderfull time and your child is not having a wonderful time - stop. You are doing something wrong.
i put some in red letters coz i think they are very very important. try changing the flashcards, perhaps a new set of words. or try making your own flashcards in big bold letters, something easy to see. be creative and playful. it helps. little ones get bored easily. i know mine does. she only looks at the cards for 5 seconds and then ignores them again. but dont lose hope and hang in there!