I recently took Tweedlewink Overview Course that is available for online training from
www.rightbrainkids.com. They recommend to introduce right brain games as child grows from infant stage and needs more interaction then just pasive looking at the flashing the flashcards.
I though it would be nice if we share what types of right brain games we play with our children so we can inspire one another.
I guess everyone knows matching games. As it is said on Right Brain Kids website - "What is the next step after flashcards?"
Matching cards! Flashcards involve the reception of information. Matching cards encourages interaction. It welcomes the left brain to play with images flashed to the right side of the brain. This creates a whole-brain experience!
You can use - Colors matching cards, Shapes matching cards, Match matching cards, Words matching cards, Phonics matching cards and so on.
Phonics matching cards:
STEP 1: Match picture to picture (carrot = carrot)
STEP 2: Match phonic to picture ("c" is at the beginning of "carrot" = carrot)
STEP 3: Match phonic to phonic (c = c)
Words matching cards:
STEP 4: Match picture to word
STEP 5: Match phonic to word
STEP 6: Match word to word
Another game is using
TOUCH Charts. Touch Charts are incredible learning tools. They are designed to compact entire flashcards sets onto one page. By showing each set as a whole unit, and then quickly pointing to each information byte -- from beginning to end -- data is processed at a deeper level of understanding. When you use the child's own finger to quickly press on (or point to) each box while you simultaneously announce the image, the visual-auditory-kinesthetic senses are employed, creating a much richer experience for your child.
It is recommended to use Phonics and Math touch charts but there are really no limits....