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Author Topic: How do you schedule so many learning products  (Read 23179 times)
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« Reply #15 on: May 20, 2009, 03:44:46 AM »

I have the YBCR and I let my baby watch this program when she is having breakfast and lunch (she is very active and this is the only way she will look at it). The books and the flashcards we will do them before naptime or bedtime. I just got LR & LM. We don't have a schedule yet with LR but we are playing with it and we use LM 3 times per day.  I am planning to add very soon to our activities signing time DVDS which we saw them on you tube and she really loved them (I was introduce to them in this web).
I would love to buy the classical magic Cds but I will have to wait at little bit more for that.
Thanks for the information about the Classical Magic CDs.

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« Reply #16 on: May 20, 2009, 04:34:40 AM »

The only thing I really schedule is YBCR during breakfast. My son sits on his chair and points to the blank tv. Late afternoon we usually watch another dvd of some sort. Flashcards and books are just picked up (mostly by my son) during the day and he goes over to the computer periodically pointing at the screen for LR. (Haven't started LM yet). He gets a book or YBCR book before each nap during the day. Not really a stringent schedule but incorporating all the education products I can throughout the days activities.

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« Reply #17 on: May 20, 2009, 05:04:12 AM »

I have the YBCR and I let my baby watch this program when she is having breakfast and lunch (she is very active and this is the only way she will look at it). The books and the flashcards we will do them before naptime or bedtime. I just got LR & LM. We don't have a schedule yet with LR but we are playing with it and we use LM 3 times per day.  I am planning to add very soon to our activities signing time DVDS which we saw them on you tube and she really loved them (I was introduce to them in this web).
I would love to buy the classical magic Cds but I will have to wait at little bit more for that.
Thanks for the information about the Classical Magic CDs.


The schedule tips are very helpfull.

Karma to everyone!!!! smile

I was looking for some good classical CD's to introduce. I'm completely musically stupid so when I saw the post for the Classical Magic I knew that was something that I should try. I just bought the Themes to Remember Volumes 1 & 2, New World, and Classical Karaoke at Amazon who offered free shipping. Also I got Beethoven's Wig 1, 2, & 3, which is another classical music production designed to introduce music in a funny way. .....
.....I think that we will begin immediately and reintroduce when the boys are older as needed. smile

Excellent links. Thank you everyone.
This deserves to go to a separate topic.


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« Reply #18 on: May 20, 2009, 10:03:56 AM »

I don't really have schedule playing all their DVDs, I play them in random aside from YBCR, it's always the 1st DVD I play everyday because after playing other DVDs, they'll ignore YBCR.


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« Reply #19 on: May 20, 2009, 03:21:59 PM »

I hear you Sapna, I am in the same boat. Last week I had reached the pinnacle of being completely haphazard with these activites and I stopped and wrote down my goals for my childs education/development and made a list of things I would  surely do and other list of things I could do if i have time and energy. It helped me that I had a decent  schedule of LM and LR and EK. Now i am in process of reviewing some products to see which I can add. But between activites for fine-motor, physical development, having my child assist for daily activites in the kitchen , going to parks, libraries, my work and my hobbies and most importantly , my husband!!, it is hard to fit in most of the things. So like I said I will prioritize and not worry about things which I cannot fit in at this point, reshuffle topics like Little pim for sometime followed by tweedlewink for some days .

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« Reply #20 on: May 20, 2009, 10:54:47 PM »

...the pinnacle of being completely haphazard.

The sums up my scheduling smile  I began the Doman flashcards very very organized and as I have added YBCR and LR and LM it has become more and more difficult to stay organized.  I have all the material laying around in every room and then when my dd seems interested I show whatever material is available.  I simply do not know how many times I show a flashcard before I decide I should retire it, some words I might show twice and the next word fifty times.  About once a week (give or take a few days)  I round up all the flashcards and try to sort them out and bring out new cards.  Then of course LM and LR repeat some of my Doman flashcards, and so does the YBCR video.  However, in spite of it all, I have noticed that my dd can read some basic words and she seems to be adding about a word a day to her reading abilities, so obviously I am doing something right! <Thankfully>

I like the idea of writing out the educational goals.  That might help me focus more.

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« Reply #21 on: July 02, 2009, 11:56:19 PM »

I think what's most important is that I enjoy my kids! (which is not always the easiest LOL! Even though I LOVE them soooo much. Life can get challenging with more than 1 child!!!)  I  do whatever it takes to try and be a relaxed parent and make my home a "pleasant home"!  If my kids are not pleasing me, I won't be a very happy mommy! If they please me then I'll please them. (So to speak). Just like the "golden rule."   Treat others the way you want to be treated!

But for trying to accomplish a specific task, I really like to use the Teahers Calenders. It's the size that works so well. I'll keep everything written down for our goals and specific daily tasks! I fill it in before I hang it up normally. Then I tack it on the wall were I'll see it a thousand times a day! Mine's in the kitchen entrance. The nice thing about this is referring back to see all your hard work and accomplishments that month! And also for keeping me (somewhat) on track.  I hate when I don't use one, I don't get nearly as much accomplished!

Hope this helps some.

You can normally buy these at the Dollar Tree. 

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« Reply #22 on: July 03, 2009, 03:12:44 AM »

I have several kids and the best way I can keep organized is to have a checklist of things to get done.  A typical day might include:

Change the bedsheets (K,S,M,A,J,P,us) ... (everyone has a different initial in our family)
M's multiplication flashcards (1 2 3 4 5) ... (10 flashcards 5X a day... short but frequent... very effective)
Passive listening, Classical Music (1hr), French (1/2hr), Dutch (1/2hr)
Treadmill or walk (2 miles)
Bath (me,A,J,P)
Schoolwork done (K,S,M,A) ... (I have separate checklists with more detail about their schoolwork)
Doman reading, Jonah (set I - 1 2 3, set II - 1 2 3, set III - 1 2 3, books - 1 2 3)
                      Peter (set I - 1 2 3, set II - 1 2 3, set III - 1 2 3)

Then I check things off as I get them done.  We don't always get everything done, but I find the checklist method an invaluable thing for me personally to keep me on track.  I try to keep everything on the list broken down into short manageable items, and I just fit things into the day whenever I can.  There is a general pattern to our day, but not extremely scheduled.  There are always plenty of interuptions and adjustments need to be made all the time.  Everyday is a fresh start though!

« Last Edit: July 03, 2009, 03:20:42 AM by momtomany » Logged
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« Reply #23 on: July 03, 2009, 12:16:16 PM »

thanks sapna for starting the thread at the right time when i'm confused. Initially started glenn doman words,and into numbers and EK,now LR also,I'm just so confused.when i started LR,now i'm not at all organized.I also have a doubt if 10words,10EK and 10numbers can be shown each day.Apart from that i have included LR also.I heard somewhere in the forum that overstimulation may leads to hyperactiveness.I'm both afraid and confused!   blink


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« Reply #24 on: July 03, 2009, 11:37:51 PM »

Hi Everyone,

I have just started implementing the educating methods with my twin babies....both are very much interested in the word flash cards I flash 5 sets 3X a day but not very regularly(I meant the no of times - 1 or 2 times a day)
I also do YBCR twice a day during their feeding time...I have not yet purchased LR and plans for sometime...
I have the math dot cards ready to be started in a couple of weeks ...and also in process of gathering info for EK(to be implemented after a month) I think I will be in the same boat after a month ....thanks to the starter of the thread ..coz am getting many ideas from many experienced moms "Karma to them"....


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« Reply #25 on: July 03, 2009, 11:59:33 PM »

this is going to sound so type 'A' but i'm really not!  i felt kind of overwhelmed with programs and teaching ideas that i've created a weekly schedule using excel.  starting with breakfast and ending with bed time i created blocks where i knew her schedule was fairly predictable and then worked out activities to put in around those things.  i have designated specific days for focus like reading, physical education, art or math and then created drop down menus of ideas.  it helps to fill it in while she's in her morning nap so i can focus on what materials i need for the day.  some days go out the window with whatever errand or she just really wants to color and do nothing else that day so i just try to still keep things really loose.  if i don't accomplish everything... no biggy.  but having the ideas and goals already at hand is really helpful.  kind of no brainer.  and having the focus days has been a big help.  tuesday is math day so i try to make sure that most of our activities include counting... that doesn't mean that we don't count/ do math on other days, just that we focus on certain days.
i attached my little worksheet.  i'm terrible with excel and i really fuzzy preggy brain these days so if there are glitches don't hold it against me. 

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« Reply #26 on: July 04, 2009, 09:04:50 PM »

sorry, but classical magic web site doesn't respond, it just sshows a message "coming soon" - am i doing something wrong"?
I am not musical whatsoever, but would just love to find a product that could make it easy & natural to instill that in my baby. Musical education is soemthing i really wish i did more for my older kids

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« Reply #27 on: July 04, 2009, 11:48:04 PM »

Is this the one that you were looking for?

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« Reply #28 on: July 05, 2009, 04:48:58 AM »

After feeling totally overwhelmed as some other parents here I decided to do a little bit of scheduling to get a base, but I created a sheet to follow up with the times I was showing the flash cards because sometimes I wouln't get to show them 3Xday and I'll lose track. I do try to do all these programs around our lives.

Everyday in the morning after she wakes up, she watches YBCR and before she eats at night. Mondays and Wednesdays are German days. She watches Muzzy once, I play German stories and did some of the FC available here. Tuesdays and Thursdays are Mandarin days. She watches Little Pim, we play as much music as we can in the background from and do two LR presentations usully 2 or 3 times a day. Everyday she does her math flash cards and even though she is already in number 71, we just started again with ecuations because she wasn't really into them. Everyday we do the curriculum in LR and I show her YBCR presentations in Spanish that I have done in LR. We try to do the crawling track twice a day and as much tummy time as we can. We play with the YBCR flash cards and some others. Fridays are music days! Trebellina and Classical Music. So far I just play the CD, but haven't done the book. My husband tries to read to her about 3 books a day and I usually read one to her in Spanish and depending on he mood I may do a couple more. She watches BST during the weekends. We usually do not do anything else during the weekend besides YBCR and BST. This is the plan, but we go to play group, go to the pool, spend time on the floor playing, go see friends and travel a lot to see my mom, so even though we try to stick to the plan as much as possible,  if everything doesn't get done, so be it!

As I'm typing it does sound like a lot, but most of the activities are short and sweet, so we get to hve a "normal"life!  LOL

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« Reply #29 on: July 05, 2009, 02:30:02 PM »

It is great to see other people's schedules. Days seem to go so quickly. There is so much to do!

It is wonderful that we are thinking of all these things now even though (at least I am) we might feel like we aren't doing enough. When I feel this way, sometimes I step back and ask myself, "Do you see other mothers doing all these things with their little ones?" Most of the time I can answer no. That makes me feel a little better. I feel like I'm spending very precious time with my babes.


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