Thank you so much for the details you provided.
I was thinking about this during my insomnia night
I know rather well the background of energy ball because I practised chi gong for several years. Energy channels, points etc. It is really important and it works. After your posts, I will think more about this concerning my child.
Just now, I googled "guessing game children intuition training", and I found a link which is a little revolution for me.
http://www.shichidaparents.com/rc/downloads/esp-games/shichida-hsp-games.doc I like to believe in telepathy, nlo's and clairvoyance - as fairy tales which have nothing common with science. My husband supports everything I do with our child - but probably he will lough now. Let's see
I knew that children are geniuses in math and languages.
Shichida says that they are also masters in
1. Telepathy
2. Clairvoyance
3. Hand Reading
4. Precogition
Here I will copy part of this text; I hope that I will not be banned because of long citation

Heightened Sensory Perception (HSP) – A Resonance Function....
The right brain has 2 most important functions:
1. Resonance
2. Image Visualization
Using the resonance function, an unborn child can receive any information from outside the womb, and change the vibrations into images.
The Importance of HSP (Heightened Sensory Perception) Training Through Intuitive GamesHSP games have something in common, ie. using mental images or imagery. HSP is a right brain ability. To enable the right brain to function, it is important to visualize mental images CLEARLY.
Eg. for Telepathy mentioned in No. 1 below, it is important for you to clearly visualize the image in the area at your forehead, and then have your child sense it. If your hearts are calm, a duplicate image will spring up in your child’s mind, and he will be able to answer correctly.
Most mothers do not regard this kind of HSP training as important, and instead, emphasize stuffing the left brain with information. They consider their way to be orthodox and the cultivation of children’s right brain ability to be heretical. They are wrong. In the life mechanism of human beings, there is a new and higher mechanism that is waiting for us to wake up to it, and to evolve in leaps and bounds. We must become more aware of the right brain ability that humans possess. Right brain ability is the key to human evolution. The more right brain ability is used during infanthood, the more superior its development. Flashes of inspiration, intuition, creativity and deep sensitivity are all right brain activities. Developing children’s HSP abilities means opening up a new way to a world beyond logic, a world of inspiration.
Preparation:1. Relaxation – Close eyes 1 minute or use Energy ball
(Babies not required to do this step)
2. Deep Breathing (3x)
3. Positive Statement/Praise/Image Story
4. Start HSP games
there are examples of cards but I can not copy them here
HSP Cards Game (formerly known as ESP Cards)1. Place 5 shape cards in a row (face up)
2. Your child holds another set of 5 cards (face down)
3. Let him/her place each card (face down) to correspond with what they think is the matching card in the upper row
4. When he/she has placed all 5 cards, let him/her turn over the cards to check if the match.
This HSP game is the most essential among right brain training because it stimulates the most primitive ability that even unborn children have. Every little child can do this game. Every child from 0-6years old has this intuitive power. Please practise this often with your child.
Here is
another example of beginning right-brain play with a child who already has the ability to visualize an image with his/her eyes closed:
1. Think of a color and hold that image in your mind.
2. Mentally send the image to your child.
3. Your child will tell you what color he/she sees.
(Game can be reversed by asking your child to think of a color and sending to you)
With skill, children can often tell the parent what color and even the shape of the image that is sent. Children practise and develop these skills by beginning with colors, advancing to geometric shapes and then finally to more detailed objects. Children will often describe the smells and tastes of objects that are being projected to them as well as the visual clues.
7 Right Brain Senses or HSP Games (HSP-Higher Sensory Perception)1. Telepathy
2. Clairvoyance
3. Hand Reading
4. Precogition
5. Hearing
6. Taste
7. Smell
Below are examples of 4 types of HSP activities you can play with your child.
1. TELEPATHYTelepathy is the ability to transfer thoughts. In the following games, your child will try to make a successful guess of what is visualized in your mind.
a) Animal Cards
i) 2 sets of 5 cards, each containing pictures of animals like giraffe,
panda, elephant, bear or deer should be provided, 1 set for you and
1 set for your child.
ii) 5 cards should be lined up face up in front of your child and the other set of 5 cards lined up face down in front of you.
iii) Take one of the cards in your hand, stare at it intensely until you see the image your mind. Then say, “From among your 5 cards, pick up the card that is same with the one in my hand now.”
iv) Do this 5 times.
b) Mind Reading
i) Mother and child face each other.
ii) Ask your child to guess what’s on your mind. (Decide a category first eg. shape, color, animal, transportation vehicle, alphabet, etc.
Out of the five attempts, your child will probably do well to choose the correct card once, at first. With further practice, your child will succeed all 5 times.
2. CLAIRVOYANCEClairvoyance is the ability to make a successful guess of the identity of hidden things eg. cards, or to identify the color of balls in a box. It is different from telepathy. The child is being clairvoyant as the mother herself does not know the answer, so the child is not reading her mind.
a) The Game of Identifying Cards
Line up 5 picture cards or game cards face down in front of your child and have him/her guess the card you point to.
b) The Game of Guessing What’s In The Box
Put one ball out of a possible 5 colors – red, blue, yellow, white and black, into a box, and from the outside without touching the ball, through the use of clairvoyance, have your child guess the color of the ball.
c) Matching Cards Memory Game
All cards are arranged in rows faced down. When it’s your child’s turn, ask him/her to open 2 matching cards. If he/she is successful, he/she can keep the cards, otherwise the cards are closed again. The player with the most cards wins.
d) Blindfolded Game
When games (a) and (b) are done 100% successfully, try this blindfolded game. Have your child blindfolded and guess what object is being placed in front of him without him touching the object.
Alternatively, have your blindfolded child guess and point to where Japan, Australia, America, Russia, etc are on a map placed in front of him.
e) Catch Mummy Game
When your child can guess what is placed in front, play the game of having him/her try to catch you while blindfolded. After your child is blindfolded, ask your child to catch you as move away from the place you were standing before to a new position.
3. HAND READINGThese are games in which the child touches the object and guess what it is.
a) Guessing The Color of the Ball Game
At one side of a completely sealed cardboard box, make a round hole just right for a hand holding a ball to be able to pass through. Place 5 different color balls inside the box. Let your child put his hand into the hole and guess without looking what color ball is in his hand before he draws it out.
At first, he’ll be doing well if he successfully guesses one. If this game is practiced daily for five minutes, he will be able to guess 100 correctly out of 100 attempts. When he is guessing the colors, it is important to keep him calm and relax so he can sense the color.
b) Card Play
In front of your child, lay 10 cards face down. Have him touch each card one by one and guess the color of the cards. Animal or friends cards can be used as well.
c) Game Of Guessing What Is Written On The Paper
On a piece of paper about 2 square centimeters, write one alphabet. Wrap it up into a little ball and hand it to your child. Ask him to put the paper ball to his ear, or tuck it under his arm-pit and guess what’s written on the paper.
Hand reading play is different from clairvoyance play in that the child is asked to touch the object with his hand and guess it. It is important to tell the child that if he keeps his heart calm, he will know the letter or symbol written on the paper as it will appear in the area in front of his special eye.
4. PRECOGNITION ABILITY GAMESThese are games to cultivate the ability to predict what is going to happen.
a) Guessing The Weather Game
Have your child predict the next day’s weather.
b) Guessing The Card Game
Have your child guess the order of the next day’s 5 cards and write his prediction down. The next day, mix the cards well and line them up face down. Let your child turn them over one by one and see if they agree with the order written down the day before.
Predictive power is the power in play eg. when your child says there’s going to be a phone call from Grandma, there will actually be one. Suggest to your child that what he is trying to guess about the future will be seen as an image by the special eye.
Why does your child need the precognition capability? If he has fore knowledge of a disaster, he can avoid it. In any business, it is necessary to forecast the future.
Precognition is the ability to understand the future with a concrete image that is more precise than intuition. Young children whose imaging capability is developed, use the precognition capability naturally.
Does anybody is practising this? I am curious and confused.