I don't think these Japanese schools are common, but maybe you can poke around in your community for something similar. It's basically just a Japanese 3-6 kindergarten and elementary school (1st through 6th grade). The only difference is that they increasingly get more instruction in English.
In kindergarten, it's pretty much all Japanese and it builds up to 50/50 by the time they are in 6th grade so they can move into an English environment when they go on to middle school. So, they get an extra science and math - one in English, one in Japanese. We love that! I hope my kids will like the idea too when they move up.
I don't know if this is anywhere close to you, but I googled this International School in your state:
http://www.wisinternationalschool.com/school_life.htmlI would probably start by searching for schools like that near you and also look for Jewish, Muslim, Greek Orthodox programs - I think anything with a specialized slant like that will work as long as it's a community you are comfortable with. We live in a school zone with a good charter system, so we are not allowed to do any of the "magnet" charters in our county due to some goofy rules. There are cool ones here though that are focused on technology/fine arts/Mandarin immersion - maybe you have some of these nearby.
It's all about knowing what to Google and I'm sure you'll find a list as long as your arm!