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Author Topic: International Baccaulerate program  (Read 4024 times)
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« on: August 14, 2009, 12:57:11 PM »

Hi everyone,

I know that there are many of you who are considering home schooling your children but I thought I might add a program that is run in schools around the world for those who are not considering home schooling or who can't due to having to work and are looking for (what I believe) a superior schooling program for their child.

I have been looking for a schooling programme for awhile which I think offers a superior curriculum.

The International Baccaulerate has 3 stages a primary school programme a middle school programme and a Diploma in the last 2 years of school and if completed opens your child up to ANY university in the world. ( which is wonderful since we know live in a very global environment.

The IB programme aims to make students "inquirers, thinkers, communicators, risk takers, knowledgeable, principled, caring, open-minded, well-balanced, and reflective." (quoted from wikipedia)

The Primary school programme (PYP) is for 3-12yr olds and requires that the child undertakes a 2nd language  as well as study maths, social studies, technology, arts, science as well as personal social and physical education. Assesments are carried out by the teachers according to the IB strategies set out in curriculum guidelines.

A friend's child is currently going through the programme at the local Primary school and she is very happy with it and it is very challenging for her child.

I think the IB programme has a wonderful philosophy but for the programme to run in the school, the school must be an IB world school and approved to run the programme. The international Baccaulerate programme is run and adminstered from Geneva so the programme is consistent around the world.

The Middle School Programme.The International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) is an educational programme intended for students aged approximately 11 to 16 (grades 6-10 in International Schools, the United States, Canada and Australia). Thus, in the United States the programme is often taught throughout the middle school years and the first two years of high school. Typically, middle schools and high schools work in coordination with each other when the programme can not be entirely hosted within one combined school. The full programme lasts 5 years although more limited programmes can be adopted with permission from the International Baccalaureate Organization (IB). Official MYP documentation is available from the IB in English, French, Spanish and Chinese. (quoted from wikipedia)

The curriculum in the middle years is full on. The curriculum is divided into 8 subject areas.
Language A (students best language or language the school instructs in)
Language B (2nd langauge)
Physical Education

The programme is based around five 'areas of interaction': approaches to learning (related to study skills), community and service, human ingenuity, environments, and health and social education. The areas of interaction are considered a key feature of the MYP. They are not generally taught as separate courses, but rather as themes that are reflected in all subjects through unit questions. The community and service area requires students to study and perform community studies and service throughout the programme. (This I love because I think it teaches students that there is a bigger world out there that doesn't revolve around them.)

There is also a personal project that the student must complete. The student can pick an academic subject or non academic subject. They must keep a process journal and schedule a regular meetings with their MYP teacher. They must also write a final reflection on their project on how it ties in with one of  the areas of interaction.

is a demanding two-year educational programme for students aged 16-19 that aims to provide an internationally accepted qualification for entry into higher education. The Diploma Programme, administered by the International Baccalaureate, is taught in one of three languages (English, French or Spanish). Students are examined in six subjects and must satisfy three core requirements. The programme is offered in 2,002 IB schools in 134 countries,and is widely recognised by universities. (quoted by wiki)

Subject Groups
    * Group 1: Language A1. Taken at either SL or HL, this is generally the student's native language, with over 80 different languages available. Students may choose to take a second language A1 in lieu of studying a second language as a Group 2 subject.

    * Group 2: Second language. An additional language, taken at the following levels: A2 (SL or HL), B (SL or HL), or ab initio (SL only).Latin and Classical Greek are also offered and may be taken at SL or HL.[
 * Group 3: Individuals and societies. Humanities and social sciences courses offered at both SL and HL: Business and management, Economics, Geography, History, Information Technology in a Global Society (ITGS), Islamic History, Philosophy, Psychology, and Social and cultural anthropology. The pilot course for World Religions SL is offered at schools participating in the pilot program.

    * Group 4: Experimental sciences. Four courses are offered at both SL and HL: Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and Design technology. One course, Environmental Systems, is offered at SL only. The pilot course for Sports, exercise, and health science is offered at schools participating in the pilot program.

    * Group 5: Mathematics & computer science. In order of increasing difficulty, the courses offered are Mathematical Studies SL, Mathematics SL and HL, and Further mathematics SL, as well as two elective courses, Computer Science SL and HL.

    * Group 6: The arts. Courses offered at both SL and HL: Music, Theatre, Visual Arts, and Film. The pilot course for Dance in SL or HL is offered at schools participating in the pilot program.[25] In lieu of taking a Group 6 course, students may choose to take an additional course from Groups 1-4 or either Further Mathematics SL (if already studying Mathematics HL) or a Computer Science course from Group 5.[15]

There are also some transdisciplinary courses such as Environmental systems and societies SL (Groups 3 and 4) and Text and Performance SL (Groups 1 and 6), which is currently a pilot course.

    * Extended Essay (EE). Students must write an independent research essay of up to 4,000 words in a subject from the list of approved EE subjects. The student may choose to investigate a topic within a subject they are currently studying, although this is not required. The EE may not be written on an interdisciplinary topic.

    * Theory of Knowledge (ToK). This course aims to encourage students to be critical thinkers and to teach students basic epistemology. It is claimed to be a "flagship element" of the Diploma Programme, and is the only course that all students take. ToK covers at least 100 hours of teaching time and completion requires candidates to write an externally assessed essay of 1,200–1,600 words (from a choice of ten titles prescribed by the IB) and deliver an internally assessed presentation on their choice of topic.[30]

    * Creativity, Action, Service (CAS). CAS aims to provide students with opportunities for personal growth, self-reflection, intellectual, physical and creative challenges and awareness of themselves as responsible members of their communities,[31] through participation in social or community work (service), athletics or other physical activities (action), and creative activities (creativity). The guideline for the minimum amount of CAS activity over the two year Diploma programme is approximately 150 hours (though "hour counting” is not encouraged).

Australia    In Australia, the IBDP is taught in 59 of approximately 2,800 secondary schools.Although every university in Australia recognizes the IB diploma, entry criteria often differ between universities, with some universities accepting students on their IB score alone, while others require the score to be converted using a conversion scale. In most states, this conversion scale is based on the Equivalent National Tertiary Entry Rank or 'ENTER'.

Canada    IB North America publishes a IB Recognition Policy Summary for Canadian Universities.  As of June, 2009, there are 132 schools in Canada which offer the IB Diploma Programme.

Finland    The first school which offered IBDP education in Finland was Helsingin Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu. The first class graduated in spring 1993. Currently 15 schools in Finland offer the IB Diploma Programme education.

France    According to the "Décret du Ministère de l'Education Nationale" (23 August 1985), the IBDP is one of the foreign diplomas which allow students access into French universities.[49] There are 11 schools in France which offer the IB Diploma Programme.

Germany    Germany sets certain conditions for the IB diploma to be validated (a foreign language at minimum A2 Standard Level, Mathematics standard level minimum, and at least one Science or Mathematics at Higher Level).[citation needed] Recently, German International Baccalaureate students in select schools are able to earn a 'bilingual diploma' which gains them access to German universities. Half of the classes in this program are held in German.

Hong Kong    

IBDP students may apply to Hong Kong universities as non-JUPAS (Joint University Programmes Admissions System). JUPAS is the system enabling applications to nine tertiary institutions in Hong Kong similar to the UCAS system in the United Kingdom.[citation needed] Currently the People's Republic of China does not formally recognize the IBDP for university qualification. ]As of June 2009, 14 schools offer the IB Diploma Programme in Hong Kong.

India    In India, the only schools which are allowed to take on the IBDP are the international schools which are privately funded.
As of June, 2009, there are 59 schools in India offering the IB programme.

Iran    Only one school in Iran, the Tehran International School, is authorized to offer the IBDP. Iran's Diploma Programme for each subject area has three levels. These levels are numerically represented as level 1, 2 or 3. (1) is equivalent to an SL (Standard level) course which is considered an honors course. (2) is equivalent to HL (Higher level) courses which provide college credit with a score of 7, and (3) is called Olympiad course.[citation needed]
Pakistan    One school operates the IBDP course, called The International School in Karachi. A number of Colleges and Universities recognize the IBDP and accept students.[citation needed]
Peru    The IB diploma is not considered equivalent to the national end-of-school examination scheme, usually because the IB diploma is not as specialised, or because certain subjects are not offered.[citation needed]However, in Peru, various universities allow direct entrance to students who have successfully completed the diploma.[citation needed]There are 19 IBDP schools in Peru.

Russia    In Russia the IB diploma is accepted in Universities (like MGU and MGMO), but conditions are set very high. For example, to study economics in MGU the IB student has to achieve an overall score of at least 36 points, including 6s in higher level subjects.


In the 2008-2009 prospectus, the National University of Singapore (NUS) recognises the IBDP as a high school qualification for Singapore universities. University requirements are as follows: 3 HL subjects with scores of 5 or better, 2 SL subjects with scores of 4 or better, and a grade of 4 or better in English A, Standard Level.  There are 14 schools in Singapore that offer the IB Diploma Programme

Spain    As of June, 2009, 46 IB schools offer the IBDP in Spain.
The International Preparatory Schools are ranked and recognised by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Ciencias (MEC) and all teach a minimum level of Spanish language, science, literature, geography and history. The curriculum also varies from one international school to another.[citation needed]

Taiwan    There are two IB World Schools in Taiwan offering the IBDP, Taipei American School and Taipei European School, the first of which was authorized in 1981.

Turkey    The IB diploma is not considered equivalent to the national end-of-school examination scheme, usually because the IB Diploma is not as specialised, or because certain subjects are not offered.[citation needed] There are 21 IB Diploma schools in Turkey.

United Kingdom    There are 189 schools in the UK with the IBDP. The UCAS publish tariff tables specifically for UK University entrance for IB Diploma graduates.

United States    As of June 2009, there are 670 schools offering the IBDP in the United States. Colorado and Texas passed legislation requiring universities to adopt and implement policy which awards college credit to students who have successfully completed the IBDP.



Posts: 779
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« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2009, 02:37:10 PM »

Thank you so much for the information. I have been thinking about homeshooling, but I have a couple of years to make a final decision and this looks like a great option. K2U!

Posts: 69
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« Reply #2 on: August 21, 2009, 05:11:01 AM »

I also recommend this program to parents who are looking at overall development of kids.
I have taught for 2 years in an IB school in India and have seen how practical and challenging the curriculum is.
I always said, 'If I had undergone this program, I would have been a CEO of a company.'

The teachers teaching the curriculum must be certified by IB and have to find unique ways of educating children, through themes, art, music, etc.
In my school the infra was superb and the classrooms looked so inviting, we used to see kids enjoying learning, without pressures. the curriculum is flexible and children learn at their pace, for each class there would be around 5 levels of worksheets for each subject.
A lot of support is also given to children with learning disabilities and an attempt is made to include them in the normal class as much as possible.
Community service is also a great concept where the kids have to see how they can contribute to the society. Initially I saw a lot of resistance in the kids to come forward but eventually we even designed programs to boost economic condition of neighboring villages. It was an amazing experience.

I loved the curriculum and feel it is best suited for our times.

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