I would say to build attention span slowly over time through early learning activities and independent play. My kids first sat in my lap to read 30 seconds at a time. My daughter sat for workbooks for perhaps 4-5 minutes in the beginning,1 page only, or through 1-2 pages of a hooked on phonics lesson versus an entire lesson. Over time, it builds. I think you already read Tools of the Mind, but for those who haven't, this is good information.
http://www.ehow.com/how_5645999_teach-zone-proximal-development.htmlEarly Reading PLUS a well developed attention span = winning combination. I used to worry with my son because he'd play an ipad app for all of 30 seconds before turning it off and picking a new one, but now at 2.5 he plays duplos or trains (legos) for a really long time and engages with apps for much longer periods. I have never seen such a technologically advanced kid in my life though, so I don't regret his heavy ipad/iphone use (all learning apps of course). He clearly surpasses his older sister and now he "talks" to computers just like his Daddy.