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List of Notable EL/accerlerated kids and families
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Topic: List of Notable EL/accerlerated kids and families (Read 31746 times)
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Re: List of Notable EL/accerlerated kids and families
Reply #15 on:
April 27, 2013, 09:50:58 AM »
Thank you Nee for clarifying what we know about John Stuart Mill. I have so many tabs open to research! I love this forum.
I want to add another,
Elizabeth I
In brief, at 4, her governess, Kat Ashley, took a special interest in her education, and at age 10, her stepmother Catherine assured that she had the best tutors the country had to offer.
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Re: List of Notable EL/accerlerated kids and families
Reply #16 on:
April 27, 2013, 10:55:21 AM »
I've been trying to figure out who Edith Stern is, and since it took some digging, I'll share the best links I found.,1649882
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Re: List of Notable EL/accerlerated kids and families
Reply #17 on:
April 27, 2013, 12:51:15 PM »
In this very interesting article on early reading, details are given about some early readers, including
Edith Stern
. Here is the link -
Here is the excerpt in the article that talks about Edith:
Another conspicuous case of early learning, especially early reading, is that of Edith Stern, described in considerable detail by her father, Aaron Stern, in two books, The Making of a Genius (1971) and The Joy of Learning (1977). A Jew born in Poland, Aaron Stern made "an impossible escape" from the Nazis and finally found his way as a war refugee to the United States, where he married and raised two children, Edith and David. The story of his constant battle against poor health, his struggle to consolidate his education in English, but, above all, his notable success in educating his daughter is told with passion in these two volumes.
Both children learned to read before age two. It is Edith's learning that is described, for Aaron's long stays in the hospital prevented his attending to David's education with the same care as Edith's. Stern's Total Educational Submersion Method, as he calls it, consists of spending much time with the children, talking, reading, playing, answering questions, and exposing them to a great variety of experiences. For example, while the family lived in the New York area, Stern decreed that the radio should be turned on continuously to Station WQXR, which plays classical music twenty-four hours a day interspersed with news
bulletins. He specified, "Let the volume be merely audible when the baby is asleep and louder when she is awake, but by all means let the child be always exposed to fine music" (1977: 29).
By the time she was ten weeks old, her crib was filled with meaningful toys and illustrated books. Her dolls had social significance as they were of many races obtained from the gift shop of the United Nations. . . .There was also a great variety of animal pictures from the Bronx Zoo and flashcards of the numbers from one to ten. These were never removed from her crib. (p. 31)
When Edith was one and a half years old, the family acquired from a neighbor that was moving away a grand piano and an old twenty-four-volume Encyclopaedia Britannica. Edith asked for "the big book," sat on the floor, and began leafing through the pages (p. 42). The Encyclopaedia Britannica became "an effective tool" (p. 42), and "in less than three years she had read it all from A to Z" (p. 43). Stern initiated Edith into math by means of an old abacus which cost $1. 80 (p. 43).
Concerning Edith's reading Stern notes the following stages: "Her ability to identify letters was evident when she was twelve to thirteen months" (p. 44). She had a collection of some fifteen books, which she was very fond of leafing through and "judging by the expression on her face, [she] appeared to understand the contents at the age of one and perhaps earlier" (p. 45). When Edith was eighteen months, Stern introduced flashcards to her. "She began to read at the age of twenty-two months" (p. 44). Looking for ways to improve her reading, Stern found advertising signs to be most useful as he put her in a stroller and took his long daily walk (p. 45). This was a game that appealed to the neighborhood children, many of whom accompanied them (p.49). When the advertising messages became too objectionable, Stern turned to books and magazines (p. 51). Edith became an avid reader and while still two read better than "many children three times her age" (p. 41). Edith's reading opened new horizons and one of her favorite books became a "children's version of the Old Testament" (p. 5 4).
As Edith's mind matured, "she began to interact with adults," and Stern records an interesting interview with Albert Einstein when Edith was three (pp. 56-57).
Shortly after this time Stern was admitted to Brooklyn College to continue his education. He occasionally took Edith to class with him and involved her in his learning experiences (p. 59). Taking after his daughter, Aaron Stern "completed a four-year college program in one year and a month" (p. 68).
After graduation Stern got a teaching position and invited Edith to attend his lectures (p. 69). She was then four and was reading two or three books a day (p. 65).
" Edith, " asked Aaron one day, " how does a car run?"
"I don't Know, Daddy."
So Aaron used the last two dollars he had in his pocket to take Edith on one of her first automobile rides in a taxi. Circling Coney Island, he explained to her all he knew about the
dynamics of automobiles. "By the time we arrived home, Edith knew more about a car than many adults" (p.62).
At six Edith entered first grade in St. Petersburg, but her school experiences were "uneventful and boring" (p.84). Later that year the family moved to North Miami Beach, where Edith was permitted to skip a grade. "This however did not decrease her boredom" (p. 85).
When Edith was eight, her father managed to get her admitted to the fourth grade of a Far Rockaway, Long Island school, but her boredom continued (p. 95).
At age eleven Edith entered junior high school but was no longer permitted to skip grades (p. 101). "in spite of the boredom at school, Edith's junior high school days were a period of great intelectual growth. Her thirst for Knowledge was insatiable, covering every branch of the arts and sciences. We would discuss and debate jurisprudence, semantics and philosophy" (p. 102).
When Edith was twelve and in the ninth grade, her father resolved to put an end to her public school education and sought a way to have her admitted directly to college (p. 106). Frustrated at the University of Miami, Stern succeeded, after many rebuffs, in having her admitted to Miami-Dade junior College (pp. 107-108). Asked after the first day how it was, Edith replied, "Perhaps it was less boring, but I still managed to finish a science fiction book" (p. 109). Edith finished the two year junior college sequence in a year and a
half with an A average (p. 112).
After graduation from Miami-Dade junior College Edith entered Florida Atlantic University as a junior. She was then fourteen (p. 113). Here she was much happier, was well adjusted, and enjoyed a rich and full social life (p. 128).
"The County Board of Public Instruction which had resisted my efforts to take Edith out of school suddenly decided to award her an honorary high school diploma, the first in their history" (p.130).
At age sixteen Edith received her B.A. degree (p. 149) with a concentration in mathematics, entered the Graduate School at Michigan State University and was appointed instructor in mathematics (p. 152). Within two years she was awarded her master's degree in theoretical mathematics and completed almost all the course requirements for the Ph.D. Degree
(p. 161).
And there at age eighteen, on the threshold of a Ph.D., Stern leaves the story of Edith hanging, but it has been an inspiring story and will undoubtedly continue in the same vein. Aaron, his wife Bella, and Edith have together built a solid foundation for what will surely be a useful and satisfying life.
The foregoing accounts of early reading are far from exhaustive. Cases could be multiplied. My hope is that they will suffice, however, to help the general reader overcome the myth that young children--very young children--cannot or should not be initiated into reading as soon as they are ready and that they are often ready before parents are ready, at age four, three, two, or even earlier. I also nourish the hope that the cases cited will help professional educators to banish once and for all the myth that children are not ready to read until they have attained a mental age of six and a half.
Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 12:57:50 PM by nee1
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Re: List of Notable EL/accerlerated kids and families
Reply #18 on:
April 27, 2013, 02:23:19 PM »
Always a step ahead of me. Thank you so much, Nee!
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Re: List of Notable EL/accerlerated kids and families
Reply #19 on:
April 28, 2013, 02:22:18 AM »
What about one of the greatest muscial geniuses of them all -
Clearly his father spent many hours with him teaching him the piano so he could compose Twinkle Twinkle Little Star at age 4 and be the star entertainment at the Vienna court at age 6 !
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Re: List of Notable EL/accerlerated kids and families
Reply #20 on:
April 28, 2013, 10:22:43 PM »
Yes, Mozart belongs on the list for sure!
I do have to dispel the common myth that he wrote "twinkle" when he was a kid though. He actually only did a theme and variation on the popular French melody "Ah, vous dirai-je maman" when he was 25. It's actually quite good.
But he was the star entertainment in Vienna, and his education was most certainly deliberate.
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Re: List of Notable EL/accerlerated kids and families
Reply #21 on:
April 29, 2013, 05:43:15 PM »
Ainan Crawley
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Re: List of Notable EL/accelerated kids and families
Reply #22 on:
April 29, 2013, 09:29:19 PM »
The Imafidon children
They are simply incredible. They got GCSCs in Maths at about age 6. The twins then passed A Level Mathematics Exams soon after. Then they proceeded to take the University of Cambridge’s Advanced Mathematics test which they passed at age 7. ( GCSCs are typically taken by 16 year olds; A Levels are typically taken by 18 years olds.)
Here is a news article about the kids -
And here are some interviews with the children from Skynews, BBC, and GMTV:
Now this blows my mind. Not just have the children done incredible things in Maths at very young ages, other kids enrolled in their ``Excellence in Education'' program have achieved similar feats. An example is this girl who got her GCSCs at age 5 and was now studying for A Levels at age 6 -
. When I re-read that article carefully, I noticed she was enrolled on the ``Excellence in Education'' program.
And there is also this 6 year old, who took the GCSC at age 5, then got the results at age 6. She's also on the Excellence in Education program:
And there are other children listed on their website who’ve achieved similar feats. See
The father asserts that any child can achieve similar feats. Does anyone know how their program works to make such feats even possible?
Last Edit: April 29, 2013, 09:39:07 PM by nee1
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Re: List of Notable EL/accerlerated kids and families
Reply #23 on:
May 01, 2013, 01:06:37 AM »
Has any one been able to find any details about Excellence in Education and what they actually do. The website doesn't really give much information on their program. My guess is that they are working through the books advertised on ther website (bond for the primary ages) with a 2 hour tutoring/mentoring session on Saturday and homework the rest of the week.
I liked what the Imafidon father said in one of the interviews when asked how his children were so smart. He said something along the lines of we provide an enabling environment where we allow the children to do essentially what they want to do and then feed the habit (or I would say support and encourage them).
Also interested me that both Paula (one of the twins) and Deborah (in the last clip) say that they find it fun and like a game. I would love to know how they develop this attitude.
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Re: List of Notable EL/accerlerated kids and families
Reply #24 on:
May 02, 2013, 10:30:57 PM »
Adam Grimm
- In 1999, became the youngest in history to win the National Duck Stamp contest at age 21. Each year, the US awards a duck painting the prestige of appearing on a stamp used on annual permits.
Madison Grimm
- Daughter of Adam Grimm followed in her father's footsteps and took up photographing and painting ducks as a passion. Under her father's tutelage became an accomplished duck painter herself, winning the Junior National Duck Stamp contest in 2013 thus becoming the youngest ever to win the award at age 6. Unfortunately, people said it was not possible for her to become so accomplished at such an age and her award has
therefore been reversed
. A quick google image search for Madison Grimm pulled up some very impressive paintings she has done. I felt the family story ought to appear in this thread for obvious reasons.
EDIT: glad to report that due to the publicity generated in this decision, Madison's win was re-instated. There you have it, the youngest winner, ever.
Last Edit: May 03, 2013, 08:29:22 PM by PokerDad
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Proud Momma to Joey (Born July 2009), Kaelie (Born May 2011), & Lucky (Born Aug 2015).
Re: List of Notable EL/accerlerated kids and families
Reply #25 on:
May 10, 2013, 12:56:44 AM »
I just have to mention how much I love this community
Joey has his own blog in which he posts his adventures. He would love to meet some friends from around the world. Have your little one stop by and say, Hi! (
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Re: List of Notable EL/accerlerated kids and families
Reply #26 on:
July 28, 2013, 08:03:30 PM »
Carissa Yip
- US Chess Player, currently the youngest chess expert in the USCF, at the age of 9. Making expert means she's ranked in the top 2100 players nationally. More info on her at this link :
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Re: List of Notable EL/accerlerated kids and families
Reply #27 on:
July 29, 2013, 05:55:49 AM »
Fields Medal winner
Terrence Tao
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Re: List of Notable EL/accerlerated kids and families
Reply #28 on:
July 31, 2013, 11:38:50 AM »
benjamin Franklin
Apparently he learnt to read young saying he never could remember a time when he couldn't read and never could remember learning to.
Reading over his early life does suggest someone of unusual thinking. Rading a book on how to swim and then going to do it,
creating wooden paddles for his hands and feet to make him swim faster. A very creative mind is shown over and over in his auto biography.
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