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Author Topic: My 8 yr old Doman Kid was accepted to College!!!! Share your success stories  (Read 62869 times)
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« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2014, 03:24:48 PM »

Hi all

I am devastated to tell you that I wrote a long email and came to check it this morning and saw that it was never posted. I had written all the points to address and sadly couldn't find it. So in a nutshell, here goes.

Firstly Mandala, I remember us corresponding a few years back. I am just thrilled for you! That is such fantastic news. I hear you on all points, my son's writing too is holding him back. He loves history and unfortunately, given the content covered, he will not be able to make the grade in those classes. Content too is an issue, like you said, it is meant for adults so again, more fields of study that can't be covered. I am curious, since you are in LA, which university are you thinking of? I know UCLA has an early entrance facility but then I live an hour and a half away and am not willing to spend that much time in the car. So College would have to do for now.

HEre's the tricky thing with IAHP (Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential), you can read their books until you are blue in the face! It won't help if you don't go to the course to SEE what they are actually doing. I remember reading all the books while I was pregnant but I did a haphazard course for my boys. It was only at 9 months that I realized I wasn't getting results and banging my head against a brick wall. Then when I went there, it was like the curtain fell and I finally got a glimpse into HOW the program should be run. We are so blessed that we have the time and the knowledge that something like this exists. I have proof that it exists and my mentor's son was so badly physically handicapped everyone wanted to throw him into an institution. He never gave up on his son and found iahp. Today this son is STELLAR success in EVERY area, the youngest rower on the Oxford Rowing team, Scholarships to Oxford etc. etc.

They are so helpful at iahp and genuinely want your child to do well but there is only so much they can tell you on the phone and only so much I can tell you via email. Basically the PHD is the shining star in physical and neural development for your child. As far as I know you can't buy that in a book form. They have done this for 50 yrs, so no use trying to find your own way to do this. Just clone theirs. Miclreed, I hear your pain and I frankly don't know how you have managed thus far. You are amazing!! There are too many pieces to put together, if I was you, throw in the towel and go to the course. I live in CA and went to that course in PA. Your children will miss you for a week (I was breastfeeding at the time) but it is worth it for their future. I can't express in words how grateful I was to be there. Plus, the people that you meet are all like minded, self-sacrificing adults that will end up being your cheerleaders for life!

I saw your post Mandabplus3 about BSFU 2 and I am hating it!! I just realized I must be terrible at Science. It is taking so much prep work that we are only getting to it once a week and even then my lesson is sketchy. I am so sad because my son has the potential to be a good little scientist but I am the one that is terrible at it! Any advice. Or any other books?

regarding highschool age of 18, I don't think that is a bad thing. We haven't decided if we are doing early college entrance to get him into Uni early or not? I loved my Uni experience and don't want to deprive him of that at such an early age. It's not just the destination. Your child can do so much before 18, travel the world, study abroad, do an internship, teach etc. etc. Which state is that by the way? Plus, I am sure you may be able to find loopholes and things could change in 10 yrs time? Who knows....

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« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2014, 09:34:20 PM »

I am in Australia. We don't really have College. The closest thing to college would probably be our TAFE system. I think they have a minimum age of 14 and 9 months but I haven't checked it out yet. I know I was enrolled in TAFE at 15 and found it easy. I don't think TAFE is academically rigorous enough for my kids.
So here from high school grade 12 kids go to university strait away. They go to TAFE if they don't score high enough or they want a trade qualification
Options for TAFE we will probably use include a building or carpentry course for my son and the first 2 years of a teaching degree can be began through TAFE while working in child are. I could see my creative kid taking that road. She is a natural teacher.
I figured high school is a waste of time academically but kids need time to mature and "digest" facts and learning so delaying university entrance has some advantages. I just figure it's better to have at least started before age 18. And considering their interest in particular areas they might just finish it before 18.
It's the writing that will hold us up. I am quietly confident I can teach it to a high enough standard to get a high grade at university level by age 15 and possibly sooner if I can homeschool them. But until then they can do subjects that are not as writing heavy. Biology, chemistry, math.
We plan to do all subjects by correspondence and just attend uni for week blocks of labs as required once a year. The uni is a LONG way away smile

Edit: I forgot to mention we haven't found the perfect science course yet but I am gathering information and resources now. Will let you know. I am cross checking with the course requirements/inclusions in the universities to ensure all the really important bits are covered. It's been a long time since I studied science and I remember little be young grade 8 biology.

« Last Edit: September 21, 2014, 09:36:26 PM by Mandabplus3 » Logged

Krista G
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« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2014, 12:30:58 AM »

Mandy, here is a question for you.  I was wondering if you would be willing to do an interview with me?  I have been thinking about asking  many of the inspiring parents here and on Facebook if I can interview them and then share the recordings.  I need to check and see how I can do this and get it recorded so that we can make these available to everyone.  When you shared your good news with me I was thinking about this once again.  Let me know.  If anyone here knows about recording calls that would be helpful.  Thanks!


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« Reply #18 on: September 22, 2014, 03:20:50 AM »

This is so inspiring! Congratulations!! Keep us updated on his progress.

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« Reply #19 on: September 22, 2014, 03:43:17 AM »

Honestly Krista, I don't know what you would interview me on. He has just entered College. Do you not want to see how that turns out. I keep telling people, right now I feel like the fool in "fools rush in where angels fear to tread".....One thing is for sure, we have EVERY one of your dvds so those had to contribute to his neural pathway stimulation!

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« Reply #20 on: September 22, 2014, 04:29:12 AM »

Mandy, are you able to share what you did with your children when they were 2?


Mother to two boys June 2005 and May 2012.
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« Reply #21 on: September 22, 2014, 04:37:40 AM »

Sure, up until they were 4, I did nothing but DOMAN. I started supplementing Doman with Shichida and Right Brain kids and then added the curriculum i.e. Stories of the World, Singapore, Aloha. But if you Doman correctly i.e. only 30 bits of intelligence at a time, the reading, the math and the physical education, there really isn't time for much more. I followed it by the book. I still have the binders of when they reached their different milestones. I wish I could say it was all me but that is exactly why I am posting here. I feel like Doman is a resource that is so overlooked. It would give anyone a fantastic foundation. I hope that helps. If you want, I can post the excel spreadsheet I had but I hate to do that because then I don't want the Atype personalities (myself included) using that as their daily curricula....

Krista G
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« Reply #22 on: September 22, 2014, 10:46:57 AM »

My thought was to ask you questions about your journey and save you a lot of typing. smile  This is what I have been thinking for awhile with lots of the moms.  We all have so many questions and would love the inspiration of just being able to chat and get a peek inside what your life is like.  What you have learned, etc...  Think about it. 


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« Reply #23 on: September 22, 2014, 03:33:30 PM »

Wow, that sounds like an awesome idea. Then would you do an audio on Brillkids?

Krista G
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« Reply #24 on: September 22, 2014, 09:59:58 PM »

I am still checking to see how I can do this.  I can probably have the audio interviews available on my website for anyone to listen to.  I think it would be awesome to chat with some of the amazing parents and get to know them better and hear what they are doing and what they have learned.  So, you are my first target.  I should know more by tomorrow and we can see if we can set this up.  I need to come up with the questions for you so you might know before hand what we will talk about.  All the questions that have been asked so far are definitely going to be included.


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« Reply #25 on: September 22, 2014, 10:36:16 PM »

Mandab just in case you were unsure. College in the US is the university system in Australia. The big exception is that US college has a general education requirement that Austrlalian university does not have.
We do have universities here in the US. A college becomes a university when it is large enough and the have a certain number of post graduate degrees. In my town the former college only became a university once it had purchased a large enough chunk of land for it to be one. But people just usually refer to university and college as college.
We also have something called Jr College or Community College. These are not quite like TAFE, but almost. They offer mostly academic 2 year associates degrees. Nursing might be a an exception.  They are cheaper and an alternative way for sub par high school students to transfer into a full college or university.
We also have career  or vocational high schools. Which is where the trades are taught. This is also, but not completely like TAFE. TAFE is a mix of community college and vocational high school.


JJ: 5 years old.
Math:  CLE2, Singapore 2A, HOE, living math books.
Language Arts: CLE2
Reading: CLE2
Independent Reading: Half Magic, Boxcar Children, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.
Science: BFSU, Peter Weatherall, lots of science books.
Americana: Liberty\'s Kids, Complete Book of American History, Story of Us.
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« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2014, 11:18:04 AM »

Thanks! I was mixing up JR college and college by the looks of it. I also assumed university was the same as here. Interesting. Size still counts hey Wink
In Australia now the trades are done in high school starting from grade 9/10 kids do one day a week on site doing a trade job and then do regular high school subjects and a TAFE subject in there trade as well on the other 4 days. All while enrolled at school. They do have other trade schools also but this trade pathway at school seems more popular now.
Aussie kids top of their classes can now do 2 units (1 a year!) in a university course in years 10 and 11 while enrolled in school. Pretty lame duel enrolment option if you ask me!
We don't have any general education components. It is assumed kids will actually learn that in school before graduating. If they don't they won't get a high enough score to get into university.  I suppose if the education system continues to decline (not that ours is declining all that much) eventually they may have to include it like in the US.
Most degrees here are 3 years long with two semesters of 4 subjects each. But there are 4 year degrees with specialisation or double qualifications. Are American degrees longer?

Krista perhaps you could start an EL podcast?


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« Reply #27 on: September 23, 2014, 04:35:14 PM »

General education was limited in rural QLD when I was in school a little over a decade ago. I remember having a long discussion about it with my English teacher in year 12. Apparently in NSW and VIC they have a lot of general education. I am glad that has changed. Also as far as prerequisites we only had to do English in year 11 and 12. Maths and sciences could be dropped after year 10. And there was no foreign credit after year 8 Japanese. In year 9 and 10 we did have to choose a social studies. Either geography, history or civics.
The trade thing was an option almost 20 years ago when my brother was in school. That is what he did. From what I have been reading it is not too common here in the US. My American husband went to a trade school and we have one in our small town also.
The university dual enrollment thing is new to me. I am glad that then are having that option.


JJ: 5 years old.
Math:  CLE2, Singapore 2A, HOE, living math books.
Language Arts: CLE2
Reading: CLE2
Independent Reading: Half Magic, Boxcar Children, Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm.
Science: BFSU, Peter Weatherall, lots of science books.
Americana: Liberty\'s Kids, Complete Book of American History, Story of Us.
Krista G
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« Reply #28 on: September 23, 2014, 07:53:56 PM »

I love that idea, Mandy!


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« Reply #29 on: September 27, 2014, 11:38:47 AM »

Firstly, congratulations!  What an amazing achievement for you and your son (and father/partner?). 
Secondly, I'm surprised this thread has fallen by the wayside already. I think it is a great privilege and opportunity to have you here and willing to answer questions and share your knowledge.
So, a few questions...
You mention a number of math curriculums. Did you do them all completely or just parts of them?  Did you do the Doman dots?  If so, did you see results and can your son still recognise quantity?
Do you speak other languages?  If not, how did you teach them to a point where they are fluent?
What types of lessons did you pay for eg. Sport, music, languages?
How did you teach sport?  And you mentioned they are now in club sports. What does club sports involve in the US in terms of training, time etc..
How do you "do it all"?  Teaching the children plus normal household stuff?
What is your plan/hopes now?  How many subjects will your son take at this stage?  What else will you do?
Did you do all the running that Doman requires with your children?  Just the thought of it makes me tired smile. So does doman require creeping and crawling throughout the entire 6 years? I actually was under the impression that once they reached a certain number of miles in x amount of time and they had the correct form that they graduated on to the next physical skill (walking under the monkey bars?) and finished with creeping and crawling.
I would love to see an example of your schedule.
Looking back now what do you think was a key to your success and also what do you regret or wish you had done differently?
So much more I would love to know but that will do for starters  smile
Congratulations again!

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