Shocking, absolutely shocking documentary. Parents being put in jail because they refused to medicate their kids. Documentary listed some kids who had died from Ritalin medications for Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD or ADHD). One of them was Shaina Dunkle. I googled her up and found this story by her mum (very sad indeed):
Most of the drugs, according to the doctors and parents, triggered violence or extreme depression in the kids. Eric Harris, one of the perpetrators of the Columbine massacre, had been on one of these medicating drugs, says one of the doctors who saw the autopsy data.
Documentary lists alternatives to putting kids on these medicating drugs - check on diet, check on sleep, check on allergies, anger, poor nutrition, etc. Check for junk food, sugar, etc. And most importantly, check for too much TV. These factors, according to those doctors, pychologists, and teachers, do affect a child's behaviour and attention.