I'm interested in showing my kids stories using little wooden figures and things. Most of the stories are done in the desert so you need sand in a tub or a draw string bag that opens flat. We went to toysrus and they gave us a bag of gravel and dust, we went to home depot, lowes and a few other local hardware stores and they all had the same thing. I looked online and found Sandtastik sand and while it's sillica free, some people said it's sharp and irritated their skin and may not be safe in your lungs. I just found a store that sold the sand from the dunes. We bought six bags thinking we'd use two to fill our container and the rest for a little sand box. Only one 25 lbs bag was enough to fill my container
... This is the sillica report for the sand I just bought. I'm not sure if it's good or bad:
http://sandranch.com/documentation/sillica-content-report/ It's in the container with a lid on it on a shelf in our livingroom and I'm not sure it's safe indoors. I've been coughing since bringing it home today but I'm the only one coughing so it could all just be in my head.
Any advice? Thanks in advance.