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Author Topic: Sign of Great Memory & Proof of Learning  (Read 36690 times)
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« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2009, 06:07:50 PM »

Hello again! Thanks for the compliment & I'm glad I could somehow help :-)

A big congratulations to you & your baby! You must have been so happy :-)
Don't worry if sometimes he would choose the wrong answer. Just as u said, maybe he was just distracted.

I don't think you should re-do anything. If any, your child would be more inclined to be 'bored' If you're going to repeat the lesson because he has already seen them. To refresh his memory, you could include the quantities in the equations. Have u started w/ equations already?

Most of the time, I use LR and LM but I also use real cards to supplement. I try to use the same pics in the flashcards as the ones in LR. I would say I use computer software (LM, LR, Doman Picture Dict CDrom) 90% of the time & real flashcards only 10%. My baby used to be very clingy so I couldnt put her down and show her flashcards & that's where LR & LM helped tremendously. She would sit in my lap contently while watching the lessons.

Just this afternoon, we made the mistake of testing Cammie again & again. She didn't want to answer at all. I tried again this evening & she chose the wrong answer. She didnt even look at the other card, she just grabbed the nearest card & put it in her mouth! I guess it's her way of saying that she's so bored with 'testing'. Dont make the same mistake we did. In our excitement & eagerness to capture her again on video, we went against Doman's rule of not testing.

You see, babies are sooo smart, it's an insult to them if we test them again & again. It's making them feel that we don't trust their ability.

Don't worry too much on the 'right' way of teaching. I have not been very consistent but I made it a point that each lesson is FUN for BOTH of us. The nymber of repetition is not that impt bec each baby is different. Each has different learning curves. What's impt (as Doman emphasizes) is the JOYOUSNESS.

Hope this helps! More power!   


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« Reply #16 on: June 25, 2009, 12:47:57 AM »

At 7 months and 6 days- HE DID IT! I am so happy smile smile I couldn't believe it!

He got all the numbers right- AGAIN! This is definitely happening!

Thanks for the advice Nadia and the warning about not testing too often.

We haven't started the equations yet, but will start soon- As soon as I get the smile off my face smile I just can't stop smiling- Its a very wonderful and different experience when your child achieves something, isn't it? smile


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« Reply #17 on: June 25, 2009, 10:36:16 AM »

Wow! Keep it up! I'm sure you8're going to have more great results to come. Hope you could share the moment with us through video! :-)


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« Reply #18 on: June 25, 2009, 11:03:56 AM »

Nadia - A big congrats to you! Thats the fruit of all the hard work you've been doing!   smile
The video was really nice to see...Camie seems very composed and picks pictures with ease...She seems to be very intelligent for her age...And she has got a cute face too! Just went through your blog...Looks like you guys have been doing a lot of things...Thats great! Comparitively, I feel i am doing nothing...Well, you are really inspiring me to boost up my current program with even more zest!  smile 

Shaman - A big congratulations to you too!  smile  I know how thrilled you must have been to witness it the first time. See your child proved that he knew a lot! Hard work and perseverance pays off! Try to capture it on video (which is another big challenge, because kids get more interested on the camera than the cards).



"Learning is like rowing upstream, not to advance is to drop back."

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« Reply #19 on: June 25, 2009, 02:21:21 PM »

Thank you Questers. Teaching our babies is a reward in itself. Them showing us what they know is just icing on the cake :-)

I'm glad if our blog somehow became an inspiration! I too have just been "inspired" by a fellow Brillkids member to start blogging.

The program has been such part of our lives that it became soooo easy to do especially with LR and LM. Sometimes it is too easy that I wished for something MORE we could do. Haha!

Right now, I must admit I nearly succumbed to the danger of focusing on the result - on documenting what my baby knows. I almost forgot our goal: to teach joyfully, expecting nothing in return. I'm glad I have come to my senses! So more teaching and less testing for now :-)

If I may ask, how many times have you tested your baby already? From my recollection, it only been 2 times in 3 months?


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« Reply #20 on: June 26, 2009, 05:14:43 AM »

Nadia, Shaman,
it is really great result, you did fantastic work I sure.
My baby is 5 mos now and I only try to plan our learning programm, pls share your experience from what age did you start each of Reading, Maths, EK?   
Thanks in advance!!!


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie
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« Reply #21 on: June 26, 2009, 05:37:19 AM »

Hi, Katarinka,
My baby is about to turn 5 months in 2 days. We started GD Math at 3.5 months ( we had a few breaks), Started reading with Little Reader at 4.5 months. We do some music, as well as listening and talking on 3 different languages. We did not start EK just yet, I think we will do it at least in a month if not later. Just wanted to make sure that we are on course with reading and math first. And just want to take it a  step at a time... Hope it helps

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« Reply #22 on: June 26, 2009, 06:02:56 AM »

many thanks, very valuable post. I think you are in line with GD (he also recommend start with reading). But WOW 3.5 mos. Did you already test your little baby? My daughter is 3 days younger than your but she can't show me different objects when I ask her unsure


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie
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« Reply #23 on: June 26, 2009, 06:13:20 AM »

No, have not tested her. Just taking it by faith that she is learning  smile  She likes it and we taking it as a game and fun activity, so that what counts. And I just trust that later, she will show what she have learned. I think it is way too early to expect her to "perform" so to speak. So I will wait with testing smile

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« Reply #24 on: June 26, 2009, 06:45:57 AM »

Skylark, you also wrote that baby is learning 3 languages(which do baby prefer? Wink )... Who help you with it or you do it? I heard the best option is to theach foreign language with help of third parties (natural speakers)/. What do you think about it?


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie
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« Reply #25 on: June 26, 2009, 07:00:49 AM »

These are Russian, English and Chinese. Both my husband and I speak English ( my husband is native speaker), I speak Russian ( native speaker) and my husband grew up in China, so he speaks Chinese( however he speaks Cantonese better then Mandarin).

We use songs, dramas, poems in Chinese and Russian to give her some feel of the languages. Later, when she is bigger, we will try to arrange some opportunities for play dates with the native speakers as well, hopefully. We will be back in Taiwan very soon, so that would be easy. With Russian will be a bit more difficult, but I am trying to speak only Russian to her some parts of the day/week.

It is work in progress of course, and comes with trying and discovering what works and what does not. We also want her to learn Portugese, My husband speaks it fluently, but we have not started it. Do not know when and how we will.

I think having music and audio stories that she is listening to every day in those languages really helps. I usually divide between Russian being in one part of the day ( lets say morning) and Chinese another ( lets say afternoon), when my husband is not Home ( and I do not speak Mandarin), I speak to her in English, but have her activity songs and kids stories/dramas in Chinese, cheering her up with the few words that I know  smile

So these are just some of the things we do smile

There are some nice posts here on the forums from others, who have more experiences then I. I will definetly recommend to read those. That what gave me faith to try and some practical ideas. I am just a beginner, I might say.

Nice to have you here! And it is nice to know that your baby is about the same age. Will be fun to exchange ideas and progress smile

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« Reply #26 on: June 26, 2009, 09:44:45 AM »

Skylark , your pretty baby is lucky yes
It has so intelligent and полиглоты parents!!! Moreover, it is the most resultive step to give knowleges in 3 absolutly unlike language groups
Opposite your family, my husband and I are native Russian speakers, due to work in Mars company I had to know English as well as I can (upper intermediate level). So for me it is a challenge to learn my little Sophiya some different languages. I hope to visit London for a few months later.
Skylark, thanks, lets contact further, русские мамы с ровесниками-детишками


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie
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« Reply #27 on: June 26, 2009, 03:12:04 PM »

Dear Questers, Nadia and Katarinka: Thank you. I am glad I could share my excitement with all of you.  smile

Katarinka: I started teaching my baby 'reading' with paper flash cards since he was 5 and a half months. We tried this for 2 weeks but it did not work- I started off by doing 5 sets 3 times a day, as suggested by Doman, but that was too much to do realistically, so I started doing just 2 sets. My baby did not show any interest in the cards at all and often looked away. I started the Doman math cards and he loved it. So I concentrated on math. Then I bought the LR for reading and EK and he loves it! Now, we do LR twice a day and 5 math cards 3 times a day. I think it is better to be consistent with a few things rather than do many things and be inconsistent.

Other than that, I play classical music for my son, read to him and talk to him in my native language. I plan to make a few paper cards based on the LR curriculum for reading because I think we need to work on that a little more. I had done some prenatal stimulation, and I have continued some of those activities.

I have also recently found a friend (through the forum) that lives in my city- We hope to help each other in our efforts towards teaching our children. smile

BTW, Katarinka, I heard about some 'muzzy' tapes- don't know much about them, but apparently they are used to teach children different languages and I have heard some good reviews. Check them out.

Hope that helps.

Good luck to you. You are obviously putting in a lot of effort and I am sure you'll do great.


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« Reply #28 on: June 26, 2009, 03:20:13 PM »


First of all, congratulations on all your achivements! It s great to see how organized you have been ( I wish I was that organized  Sad ). Anyways, I was looking at your blog and have a couple of questions:

1. Your baby stand up when she was 2 months old. Did you use a crawling track or just tummy time?
2. How did you measure how many feet your baby had crawled? Was the beginning of the measuring tape at her hands, knees of feet? (I know, weird questions, but I want to start tracking down how many feet my daughter is creeping)

Thanks for your help!

« Last Edit: June 26, 2009, 03:22:22 PM by Joha » Logged
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« Reply #29 on: June 26, 2009, 05:04:00 PM »

Hi Joha! Thanks! Your questions are not weird at all! I would have measured her crawling distance but we decided not to. We would not want to be obssessed with numbers. I know in some instances (esp those who have a program to treat brain-injury etc), the distance SHOULD be measured. In our case, we made sure she has plenty of tummy time since day 1..

Yes since 2mos old (earlier even), she can stand while holding on to something. Personally, I feel that it has something to do with me drinking lots of milk (calcium) during pregnancy).

As a result of her physical activities, her muscle tone is really well developed. Her muscles and ligaments are really flexible. When we do brachiating (hanging), she rarely has her arms straight..she is supporting her whole weight (8kilos) by her upper arms! My in-laws are so worried she would have fractures but she never has.

Don't worry too much on the distance but if you must, you could of course measure it (great exercise! I tried it once!) LOL!

Regards to your daughter & happy teaching!


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