Hello Ashah3 ! , Would like mention here that my little one had pretty similar experience with little reader, he loves them when I start..say pictures etc , and when the session move on to phonics , words beginning with 'xx' , he wanted to take a quick break (by taking his car and say vrooooom ! ) , and then he gets back to the rest of the reader session with accurate interest. These all happened when he was say 18-24mnth . I tried to give a break to the phonics session for say couple of weeks and then showed them , he seems to be fine and interested then on. May be they wanna a little break to phonics session in that early phase.
Reg. Little math, when my little one has such distractions / he doesn't want to watch, I make the session very short then on, say out of 4 lessons, I do one lesson in morning, and next lesson by evening. Just my thought...as I wanted to continue on little math to nurture its benefits too
Happy Learning !