« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2010, 07:21:43 AM » |
The one piece of advice that I could give for a baby that young, besides starting with the word and dots flashing is to talk to your child ALL THE TIME.
Read out loud to them, describe everything you are doing to them, everything you see, talk as you change them, bathe them, etc. Just talk all the time. Lack of verbal stimulation is proven to be detrimental, so lay it on real thick. That's what many books advise, anyway. My favorite books are Bright from the Start and Magic Trees of the Mind. They both have summaries of activities to do with babies at that age and older.
The other thing I would advise is to avoid institutional day care until a bit later, if you can. Keep them as close to home or at someone else's home as possible.
Sounds like you're eager!