Hi everyone,
I am currently toilet training my child and I am using a reward sticker chart for each time she does a no 1 in the toilet and 2 stickers for no 2's. I am having tremendous success with this tool in getting her to go, I was thinking of taking the reward system with her learning programs. She has become a bit resistant to anything mathematical. I have tried teaching her teddies, using a puppet, making games every trick in the book. She told the puppet today that she only likes words not maths
so I thought of using a reward chart to get her interested in maths but I have some pro's and con'sto this method.
1. Early learning should be because they want to do it not because they have to do it (but she does need some mathematic training )
2. She learns only what she has to learn to get the sticker and later prize
3. There is no real joy in learning.
1. Its enough to get her started and she learns to enjoy math
2. There is consistancy in the program because we do something small every day and she gets rewarded for it.
3. She eventually forgets to ask for the sticker (like she forgot twice today for the sticker when she went to the loo)
4. Once established this becomes a part of her everyday life like a routine and she accepts it as her day to day life rather than not wanting to do it at all and never getting any where with any maths because we are constantly stop starting.
I would love to hear all opinions.