Just want to share something about my 19-month old son: we
started some right brain DVD lessons to him a month
ago and we see a difference - We noticed a big
learning improvement in him but didn't click that
it's the DVDs until we looked at the timing... and
my husband said it must be the right brain training.
My son saw a speech pathologist at the end of
April because I thought he was slow in talking. At
that time he had less than 10 spoken words. 1 month
later he is over 60 vocabularies that he speaks on his
own. This is not including the 20 alphabets + 1 to 9
that he can recognize and pronounce! I also notice
that he is speaking new words every day! He is still
using his right brain because he learns fast but still
not able to logically bring 2 words together to make a
meaningful phrase. My 3.5 years old daughter is more left brain as
she was already in full sentence when she was 18
months. Too bad she is not at home all the time and I
can't religiously show the DVDs to her.
I started teaching my son Chinese characters last week and
the next day he could recognize and speak 2 out of 3 that I showed
to him just once! We are amazed.

Yesterday night I wrote some alphabets on an erasable
board and had both kids speak out the alphabets
loud. Many times my son said it faster (and knew more)
than his sister did! We think visual recognition is
probably my daughter's weak point. At her age now, she still
mixes up left and right shoes! My son is still a right
brain kid. He uses his right hand to draw every time.
He can draw circles now! This is something my daughter could
not do until she's 2, as long as I can remember.
We haven't started diaper train on my son, but a week ago
he started to let us know that he needed to go poo.
Not every time but it's a surprise for us.
We are thinking of buying a relaxation CD for our daughter
so that she can be in a right brain learning
mode before learning.
