Beside what you said, it's the biggest gift I can give him.
When I see the smile on his face when learning something, my heart is smiling too.
When I see how much and how good he can talk, when others, even older, don't, I just want to go on with it.
While using these methods I see that he grows up very well.
And, what's more, his brain problems decrease - one of the biggest triggers for me to teach him early learning (in fact his brain is growing up so good that in time he has the chance of having a perfectly normal, entire brain... we'll let time tell...).
I have had a big dream: "to improve my family's DNA".
Now I even have the means and everything I need to fulfill it! Our son has learned and done what none of us ever did in our families.
One more thing: he's a very sensitive guy. I don't want him to be like I was - good and naive (and somewhat ignorant, or uneducated) and people took advantage of me. He can be good and innocent and having a wide vision of life without being used like I was - no one can fool you when you know many things, you trust yourself, have a high self-esteem and you can tell a lie from a truth.