Right now my son is 4 months old and we do the following. We use my iPhone a lot because my computer kicked the bucket.
- Little Reader x2
- Babies Don't Count x2 or more
- Themes to Remember
- The Miracle Math System
- Count to 100
- Count to 100 by 10s
- Count to 100 by 2s
- Sing the Alphabet
- Read a minimum of 2 stories
- Your Baby Can Read
- Your Baby Can Discover
- Read 2 of our 3 YBCR sliding books
- play a lifting game where he holds our finger and we lift him to his feet.
-practice holding his Baby Oball rattle
http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=3579710I put it in his hands. He shakes it and moves it around and eventually drops it. Then repeat.
I'm hoping that next week we can start up LM and LMs if my hubby is allowed to load it on his work laptop. Also I plan on starting Memoflix, Monkey See and Tweedlewinks.
I also plan on starting a Doman Dot program. However after taking it over with another EL mom, I'm going to focus on counting too. Since a lot of children, heck most lose the ability to know what each set of dots is, I may as well use the time he does know to instill counting to 100.
We are working on Tummy Time, but boy he hates it! Must be because his body is in the 10th precentile and his head is in the 85th.
Any other ideas Brillkids Moms and Dads?