Hi Anyta, glad you like the program!
Generally, most people starting babies on on a reading program (flashcards, dvd's, etc.) start no earlier than 3-4 months. Many start much later than that too, and still get good results.
I would recommend that since your baby is 2 months old, perhaps you could start with the infant stimulation cards in our File Download section. (These black & white cards can be shown anytime after birth).
The most important thing, whatever it is you are doing, is to make sure the process remains fun and interesting for your baby. Always let your baby be the guide, and there are no hard and fast rules.
As for dual language, simultaneously exposing a child to 2 languages is not uncommon, and many bilingual families do that as a natural course. Typically, it would be more in terms of exposure to the SOUND of the language, rather than the written word, but I don't see a problem with exposing your baby to more than one language for reading, though you may wish to focus more on the main language you want your child to be the most familiar with.
As you speak Spanish, perhaps you could help contribute some Spanish word sets to the community by creating and uploading them to the File Downloads section!

[EDITED to avoid confusion about when can we start using infant stimulation cards generally.]