Hi.just my sharing.Me also cant get to buy the 65 days program from Shichida since I dont send my child there.Alternatively I bought a set of Red Dots card from this blog
www.rightbrainmama.com. You will get a set of 1 - 100 Red Dots which is told by someone its same like 65 days shichida. You can use the Red Dots card and follow the Shichida 65 days manual which you can easily print here.
For me, I just flash the cards 1-10, 11-20, 21-30 and so on every day continuously. At the end of each session I will show two cards and ask my child which is 12 dots(example), ask her to point.Nice game and she likes it.I never follow the 65 days manual as I'm a bit lazy mother I guess