I recently had a meeting at my 3.5 year old DDs nursery.
According to government guidelines, they are only allowed to encourage learning through play and are not allowed to 'teach' anything including reading or maths. However, they are aware that this is not ideal for all children and are keen to work with parents to meet the needs of individual children.
Interestingly, they had not noticed my DD could read - they said to me "oh, she knows quite a few numbers and letters.."! I had deliberately not mentioned this too much as i did not want them to start testing her too early but she's now very confident at reading so I'm happier to get them involved. When I said, "well actually she can read quite a bit" they suddenly noticed that she's reading all kinds of different books and were totally amazed!!
So, now they are seeming very enthusiastic and positive about working individually with all children. The manager has suggested that if parents wish to bring in maths or english books then they are happy to use these. I think this is great, and although my DD is not keen on workbooks with me, she might be more cooperative with nursery staff
Because she's been quite anti-workbooks I haven't really got any. So now I'm not sure where to start. At home we use mainly manipulatives for maths. She's reading a range of early readers so I could send her in with one of these to read each week.
Any ideas or suggestions greatly appreciated. They are not teachers so I need to be careful what material I provide. I don't want them to cause problems that I'll have to then fix at home. Or should I just leave all the learning to home? I work 3 long days a week so we don't have any opportunity for EL on these days except LMs in the mornings.