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Author Topic: DOES BREAST FEEDING REALLY HURT?  (Read 69416 times)
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« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2012, 05:16:06 PM »

I've enjoyed reading everybody's comments!  I'll just add one little thing.  It's not a deciding factor, but you can add it to your BF pros list.  Ahem.  Formula-fed babies have really, really stinky diapers.  BF babies, not so much.
True story.   


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« Reply #16 on: December 29, 2012, 05:26:34 AM »

I remember it hurt for about a month and mostly during the initial latch and then it would be quite okay during the rest of the feeding.  I do remember it being uncomfortable but that passes so quickly it is so worth it.  It is such a beautiful thing.  And as others have said it is soooo convenient in the middle of the night.  I don't think my baby would have tolerated waiting for me to mix and heat up a bottle in the middle of the night.  I don't think I could have handled it either.

It's good advice to read up or get advice from somebody who knows on proper technique.  I think part of why it hurt for so long for me was because I was letting him feed with an improper latch and that gave me sores.   So even after we figured it out it still hurt for a few more weeks.

The most important time in determining your milk supply is the first few days.  So if you are considering breastfeeding try to at least make it through the first little bit without supplementing. 

Here is a book that I think may help you deal with the stress/anxiety/physical discomfort a lot.  It is called Mindful Birthing.

It's based on a class Mindfulness for Child Birth and Parenting where they teach mindfulness meditation to help you deal with stress and discomforts of pregnancy, giving birth, and everything else that comes next. I am newly pregnant too and I am using it this time around. 


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« Reply #17 on: December 29, 2012, 06:26:00 AM »

Ahh yes... That oversupply issue. I was pumping because that is what I thought you did!!
Then I was pumping for relief. When I stopped pumping and dealt with the initial engorgment all was good.  I went from sleeping with a bath towel foldied across my bosom and waking sopping wet to being able to wear a nursing bra with pads at night. Eventually everything regulated and there was no more leaking at all.

Honestly for me the worst thing I ever did was pump. I hated that with a passion. And it hurt.
Oh and I am completely anti shield. I could just not get those to work for me.


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« Reply #18 on: December 29, 2012, 07:56:02 AM »

My girl is 26 month now, and we are still breastfeeding. It doesn't hurt, but gets annoying sometimes. She is very strong and healthy, very rarely gets sick, in the past year she's been sick only once and a few times she had runny nose, when her teeth were coming. I never used pump, and I strongly believe in milk production regulation by demand (bachelor in economics  LOL ) The more you pump, the more milk you'll have. I got a pump as a gift, but that thing looked repulsive to me.

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« Reply #19 on: December 29, 2012, 11:54:33 PM »

I had to pump initially, because my naughty boy came early and spent 6 weeks in special care. I think that helped to start - I was in control for the initial painful bit and could stop and take a break if it was too much. Unfortunately, I was so worried about losing my supply that I over-pumped and had about 2 months' supply in the freezer (which I donated to the milk bank for poorly babies) when I took him home  rolleyes

The fact that I could have fed twins and still had milk to spare made the changeover to exclusive feeding and no pumping somewhat painful and very leaky. After that initial week or so, my supply regulated and my only problem was trying to convince my reflux baby that despite his constant spit-ups, I was not willing to have him permanently attached at the boob. Mostly, he won. laugh

We breastfed until 3, then I got fed up of him groping my boobs and trying to remove my top every time I sat down  rolleyes  Apart from a couple of new-tooth issues, he never really hurt me and I really enjoyed it. laugh


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« Reply #20 on: December 30, 2012, 03:11:40 AM »

(which I donated to the milk bank for poorly babies)

You GO girl! This is awesome, awesome, awesome!


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« Reply #21 on: December 30, 2012, 07:34:46 AM »

Excellent advice, everyone!! I had fun reading it, I would have normally jumped right in to share all the tips and tricks that worked for me, but... I was nursing  LOL  My new little one is just 7 weeks old, and apparently on the growth spurt now, so he is nursing a lot, and typing with one hand, while trying to protect your computer from curious toddlers is HARD  yes

I would second all of the advice!

Yes, it is a commitment, and it can be hard in the beginning. Yes, you get used to it and learn tricks that work for you and your baby. Yes, it may hurt at times, but it gets better. And yes, it is definitely worth it!

With baby number 3 nursing now ( and my other two nursed till 11 and 22 months respectively) I faced all kind of nursing problems, and collected a "bag of tricks" as well  Wink

ShenLi, thank you for mentioning I recommend it left and right. It has advice for new mommies and seasoned BF veterans alike. I think it is the BEST and most complete collection of breastfeeding resources and information.

Womanly Art of Breastfeeding is also a must have.

You can also get all kind of good advise and support on

One important thing I meant to mention, because I learned the hard way.

When your baby is born, ask your midwife to check his tongue. It is not uncommon for babies to be tongue-tight -- It results when the frenulum (the band of tissue that connects the bottom of the tongue to the floor of the mouth) is too short and tight, causing the movement of the tongue to be restricted. That can cause your  baby to struggle with nursing and you ending up with VERY SORE nipples.

Both of my boys were born tongue tight. With the first one it took us 4 months to find someone who was qualified to snip the frenulum ( tissue under the tongue), with the second one -- our pediatrician had another doctor in the office who does the procedure, and we did it about 20 hours after birth ( since it was detected right away) -- the difference was amazing!!

Some of the following symptoms may be a sign of tongue-tight:

- Heart-shaped tongue tip -- probably the most obvious sign. The tip of the tongue may be heart shaped or have a “v” shape indentation in the center when the baby sticks out the tongue or cries.

-- Square tongue tip. The tongue looks square on the tip instead of pointed when extended.

-- If your baby is tongue tied Your baby has difficulty extending the tongue past the gum line. Tapping the tip of the tongue should cause the tongue to come forward, where it should cross the gums.

-- Tongue does not cup well. When your little one sucks on your finger the tongue should wrap around it

--  If you rub your baby’s lower gum, the tongue should follow your finger, side to side. If the baby has difficulty moving it side to side, his frenulum may be too short.

-- Failure to gain weight. Baby breastfeeds very frequently and yet may fail to gain weight appropriately.

-- Sound of sucking air. If your baby loses her seal or suction at the breast causing her to come off the breast frequently and creates the sound of sucking air.

-- Clicking sounds. Your baby may have a restrictive frenulum if the click while breastfeeding is associated with an increase in nipple pain at the time of the click. (The click can be the sound of the tongue snapping back in the mouth or the sound of the loss of suction.)

-- Extremely sore nipples. If your nipples hurt through the entire feeding despite the use of good latch and position technique your baby may be tongue tied. The soreness is created by the tongue rubbing against the tip of the nipple when the tongue is in the retracted position.

-- An increase in pain near the end of the feed as the baby tires and the milk flow slows. Some babies can extend the tongue properly for the early part of the feeding when the milk is flowing faster and they have more energy, but are unable to maintain the correct suck through the whole feeding.

Some of these may be also markers for some other problems, but if a few of them fit, -- do consult lactation consultant or midwife.

Like others mentioned already -- demand equals supply. The more you nurse/pump, the more milk would be produced. Sometimes newborn babies have a hard time latching to an engorged breast, that is when you can use pump to simply prime it a bit and make your breast a bit less full to make it easier for your little one. You do not need to pump it a lot, just enough to make it comfortable. And you probably would not need to continue it, as your body would regulate milk supply to meet the exact needs of your baby!

I hardly ever pumped (hated it too...). But I always kept a small supply of breast milk in my freezer for the times I would leave my  baby with husband, in case I would be delayed on the way home. And even then we never used bottle, he would feed baby from a dropper or tea spoon. It is slower, but we did not want to cause any nipple confusion.

Pumping for me was more painful then nursing. And nursing... well it did hurt a few times during the first 3 weeks, mainly because of engorgement. They say, if will will make it through the first 6 weeks, you will be able to do it for as long as your baby would need it  LOL  And it is true.

A few other tips that helped me:

Painful engorged breasts -- nurse, nurse, nurse and use Rosemarie warm compresses in between nurses

Sore nipples - lansinoh breast cream ( it is purest lanolin, so you do not need to wash it off before nursing the baby!!)

First few weeks - spend a lot of time in bed, resting and cuddling with your  baby skin to skin -- you will be able to form an amazing bond with your little one and your milk supply will get established; frequent nurses would also help your uterus to get back to normal faster!

Sorry for random thoughts, hope some of these would help!

« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 07:38:45 AM by Skylark » Logged Proud mommy of 3 early learners!
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« Reply #22 on: February 14, 2013, 07:32:52 AM »

The short answer is yet, BUT you need the right equipment... For me it hurt for the first three weeks, which sounds as eternity, but after that is was a breeze. I've been currently breastfeeding for 2 months and planning to do this for at least a year. 

Things that I couldn't do without:

My breast friend (pillow) is awesome. In the beginning I was using regular pillows and it worked when LO was tiny, but when I tried to nurse this way recently, I couldn't. It just was very uncomfortable when the kiddo is bigger. This pillow gives you at least one hand free, sometimes both, so I can read and browse while LO is nursing (he loves to comfort nurse so sometimes it takes more than 30 min for him...) some sources say to just give the baby a pacifier to satisfy the need to suck but I prefer only to use it when it is really needed.

Nipple cream is very important. The milk is also great - squeeze and let it dry, but that is when nursing is already established... For me angel baby earth mama was great... especially for cracked and sore nipples...

Massages in the hot shower also help with the nods and such... These were needed in the beginning during engorgment, later it became better.

I also took encapsulated placenta pills... They boost milk supply and speed recovery after delivery. They worked great for me. The pills also suppose to help with postpartum blues... I didn't have any (possibly because of these pills). I don't know how crucial was this for me since this is my first baby, so I have nothing to compare it to...

Overall breastfeeding definitely worth a try and not one... After all the pain it is worth it and I really enjoy it smile


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« Reply #23 on: February 14, 2013, 11:36:34 AM »

YES....breastfeeding does will usually takes 1 week and normally wont't go beyond 2 weeks as your nipple is adjusted to breastfeeding...however you can always try nipple cream. For me I usually use ice or milk to relieve the soreness..... smile

To increase the milk production,  i drank lots of warm water and malt drink like horlicks or milo.....

All the best......

fatty kiddy
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« Reply #24 on: February 19, 2013, 09:07:28 AM »

It shouldn't hurt usually unless the baby doesn't latch on properly.

For me, the first few weeks did hurt and my nipple was cracked at one side as my baby was better at one side comparing to the other side.  Once my daughter improved and I was better with different breastfeeding position, it did settle down. 

She is now six months plus and is still breastfeeding. 

Like what the other said, it is convenient in the sense that  - no need bottle sterilizing, washing etc.

If you are going out with the baby, try to get a nursing cover.  It is so convenient and you are not exposing you boobs too!

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« Reply #25 on: May 20, 2013, 02:01:45 PM »

Not hurt than giving birth big grin

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« Reply #26 on: June 24, 2013, 06:31:01 AM »

Breastfeeding is the biological norm, it is what your body is designed to do, it is the food your baby expects.

Artificial feeding is just that, artificial, fake. Artificial feeding makes your baby sicker, fatter, and stupider.

Have you compared the ingredients in breast milk to formula?

I second then website for information, great resources there.

In the end, Breastfeeding doesn't hurt, formula does, I hope you get the information and support you need for Breastfeeding to be enjoyable.

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« Reply #27 on: June 24, 2013, 08:27:51 AM »

It can hurt a bit to start with, especially until you get the hang of getting the latch right, but after the first few weeks you cant even feel it. It is worth sticking with it cos its better for baby but also cos its so much more convenient than bottle feeding... no sterilising, no getting up to make bottles at night etc. Im breastfeeding my one year old and currently pregnant with my second and will definitely be breastfeeding baby two as well, wouldn't have it any other way. Its such a comfort for the child too so great when teething or unwell etc.

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« Reply #28 on: June 24, 2013, 08:29:45 AM »

Forgot to say, a lot of the early pain or discomfort I had was to do with the fact I was holding baby too low down and they were pulling on nipple so might not have hurt if I had got that bit right! Lansinoh cream is great for easing the tenderness and I've heard natural coconut oil is supposed to be fantastic too.

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« Reply #29 on: December 02, 2014, 05:47:22 AM »

Breastfeeding does hurt. I wish people had told me that it hurts for the first 30 seconds to 1 minute after the baby latches on. After that it should be tolerable. It is a wonderful thing but people are lying if they say it doesn't hurt at all.

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