Vaginal Birth After Caesarian / CS - Repeat Caesarian Section
Some women have a great sense of loss after a CS.
Misunderstandings and mis-communication
at the time of the CS can lead to lack of trust and a sense of betrayal,-powerlessness.
The way the woman experienced the birth is not the same as the way the hospital experienced the birth. The partner's experience will be different again.
It is wise to talk to a trusted health professional about the smallest details to get the birth in perspective.
And early in the next pregnancy of course.
The above link shows that we still do not know which option is best.
Both options carry risks.
Planned repeat CS or planned VBAC
It is very interesting to me that the research still needs to be done.
This uncertainty means that VBAC is strongly supported in the UK Australia and NZ where I have worked.
I cannot speak for USA.
(Sadly CS is not even available to many women and babies in the world today ...but that is another thread.)
How can the research compare apples with apples?
Not apples with oranges.
Many CS are done now for social reasons.
If these women choose vaginal birth next time the research has to show
this outcome separately to CS for other reasons.
The research has to take into account CS for breech.
So many women have given birth easily already but they had a CS for breech in a later pregnancy.
These women of course will be very successful with Vaginal Birth After Caesarian.
I have spent my working lifetime advocating for women around childbirth.
A woman may have given birth beautifully several times in the past and the next baby is in a position that will make the labour difficult.
We do not know why.
A woman may have a CS for a difficult labour which is attributed to the size of her baby. The next baby births normally and is the same size or bigger.
It is an emotional minefield.
The way we feel about our births impacts on us deeply.
Women need the support of trusted heath professionals.
Hospitals need to change.
Importantly the care of a woman in labour with a history of previous CS does require very careful monitoring with the access to emergency CS if required or even if deemed required.