Hi rizoo
Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Some more tips for you
- if you have morning sickness, try eating something salty first thing in the morning, like salty crackers or biscuits...
- don't exert too much effort in your first 3 months, don't lift heavy stuff or go on bumby rides and don't stand too much at one time
- if you don't have morning sickness then watch your eating habits

This goes on all through pregnancy...make sure you aren't eating too much and that you are eating healthy. Try to eat a bowl of salad (with as many colors as you can, the more colors, the more vitamins eg. carrots, tomatoes, green, red and yellow peppers etc..) daily PLUS include lots of proteins, calcium and iron

- you might also want to avoid or at least reduce caffeine to only 1 cup a day or something
Hope this helps!