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Homeschoolers, is 'The Well-Trained Mind' book the best homeschool curriculum?
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Topic: Homeschoolers, is 'The Well-Trained Mind' book the best homeschool curriculum? (Read 24277 times)
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Homeschoolers, is 'The Well-Trained Mind' book the best homeschool curriculum?
December 01, 2011, 07:53:12 PM »
Dear all,
I am very new to homeschooling and have been wondering about the best homeschooling curriculum. What I need is something that equates a bit of what the public school system does plus some more.
Is 'The Well Trained Mind' the best curriculum for homeschooling? (I have read the rave reviews on Are there any other better resources? What curriculum did you find most effective?
Suggestions from experienced homeschooling parents are very highly welcome. Thank you so much.
Last Edit: December 01, 2011, 07:55:05 PM by nee1
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Re: Homeschoolers, is 'The Well-Trained Mind' book the best homeschool curriculum?
Reply #1 on:
December 01, 2011, 08:26:06 PM »
I don't think it is possible to say there is one best curriculum as a lot will depend on your child and your families cicumstances. I do think it is an excellent book, both inspiring and with lots of great information. Most people I believe probably do best with a combination of curriculums pulling the best/what works for them from each one. For instance for my son (age 5) we use:
Reading: Robinson curriculum, Sonlight, Old fashioned Education, Ambleside Online, Great books
Math: Jones geniuses, worksheet
Language Arts: Writing with Ease, Spelling Workout C, First Language Lessons for the Well trained Mind, Daily Language Lessons
We are also doing the Memory work from Classical Conversations on our own which includes: history, geography, math, grammar, latin and Science facts
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Re: Homeschoolers, is 'The Well-Trained Mind' book the best homeschool curriculum?
Reply #2 on:
December 01, 2011, 08:41:45 PM »
I agree with what linzy said: There is no best curriculum - it very much depends both on your child and on you. I think that book is a good book to buy and read, but there are endless other resources each with their own pros and cons. Most people I think use an eclectic curriculum - it basically means that they pull things from everywhere - especially if you have a bright child or are doing early education then very often your child will be ahead in one or other areas and a full curriculum will not work for them.
For my DD (age 4) we are using:
The ordinary parents guide to teaching reading - I do not use this book as they tell you to - I am just using it as a guide as to what phonics I can teach when
Reading from different readers and books that I pick myself
Horizons K for math as well as Singapore 1a at the moment
For writing I am using games and traceable worksheets off the internet as well as self made handwriting worksheets
And then I am pulling things from the internet and using books from the library for thematic units to teach various things in history, geography, science, social studies etc while incorporating more reading and language arts, writing and arithmetic into the themes. We are also using Hands on Homeschooling the 4 year old curriculum for further thematic ideas and also for games to play with her as she is a very hands on child.
When I homeschooled my DD for the first year I used Sonlight P3/4 and just read to her while doing various activities - but she was only 2.5 years old at the time and this worked well with LR for reading and some beginning readers and then counting activities and games for math.
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Re: Homeschoolers, is 'The Well-Trained Mind' book the best homeschool curriculum?
Reply #3 on:
December 01, 2011, 08:59:14 PM »
I might consider what your expectations are and what you are hoping to achieve with homeschooling. It is the first place to start. Why are we doing this in the first place. Dorothy Sayers article, "The Lost Tools of Learning" is a wonderful place to start. Obviously, since you're familiar with "The Well-Trained MInd" you are aware of what is called classical education. If that is where you are starting, I would consider reading "Classical Education and the Homeschool" put out by Canon Press. You might also want to read "Repairing the Ruins". Canon Press has some good suggestions and so does Veritas Press. Both of these publishing houses have a distinctly Christian world-view, so just be aware of that.
But as a veteran homeschooler, there really is no one good curriculum. There are lots of them. Each child is different. Susan Wise Bauer gives some good advice. If you spend some time on the forums at her site, you will also get some really good ideas from parents who have worked with curriculum and can tell you the advantages and disadvantages of each. You will find what works for you and your family.
We are particularly fond of Jones Genius Math right now. There isn't another program like it. I think it would have saved us years of grief had I found it 11 years ago. I am also very fond of narration and real books. And in the younger years as many hands on activities as possible.
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Re: Homeschoolers, is 'The Well-Trained Mind' book the best homeschool curriculum?
Reply #4 on:
December 02, 2011, 03:32:49 AM »
First, on the question of whether this is the "best curriculum." Ever the contrarian, I've gotta say--I don't think it is known whether there is a best homeschooling method for everyone. Partly that depends on how "method" is defined, but partly it depends on research that might be difficult (or even impossible) to perform. Certainly it is a very common view that because students differ greatly in how they learn, the methods that work appropriately for them will vary. But then, as I said, that depends on what counts as "method" and how we distinguish one method from another. I don't know, for example, whether we are following the "Well-Trained Mind" classical homeschooling method. Definitely we aren't following it
but we happen to be doing many of the things the book recommends.
Here's what people mean when they say there is no one best curriculum, they simply mean that not all homeschoolers choose the same curricula. Some swear by Saxon math, some by Singapore. Basically, you have to think in-depth about your goals in teaching a particular subject, learn about the main options, and try to figure out in advance which approach appeals most to you. Then be prepared to change your mind...
But these easy observations hardly mean that there is no one best method. It
be the case that there
one best method of teaching, if the method is broadly-enough delineated, and we stipulate that the teacher of the method is adequate. Sometimes a method is poor simply because the practitioner is incapable of using it, or unwilling.
My opinion of the book is that it's the single best book written about homeschooling, but unfortunately, that isn't saying that much, because most books about homeschooling are really lame. If what you're looking for is a list of topics to study, you might want to look up the common core standards:
just as a reference point. Another good book for simply listing topics or benchmarks, which reads something like a "homeschooler's curriculum standards," is Rebecca Rupp,
Home Learning Year by Year.
(This would be a very rigorous curriculum.) Another handy topic guide would be
The Educated Child
by William J. Bennett (and others). A good grade-by-grade list of books is
Books to Build On.
The Well-Trained Mind
does better than any other book I've seen is to describe, in depth, a whole system of education, together with specific book recommendations (and often alternatives). The other books I've listed here are more like catalogs; WTM is more of a system, the distillation of much reflection and experience by some very intelligent women. I don't agree with absolutely everything they say, and wouldn't take all their advice, but then, who would? Since it's such a huge system, not many will fall in line at every point. If you're homeschooling, it's probably because you want to do things your own way. Besides, it's a pretty ambitious program, and many homeschoolers of a low-key stripe (lower-key than us
) wouldn't dream of using the whole thing.
Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 03:49:09 AM by DadDude
Larry Sanger -
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Re: Homeschoolers, is 'The Well-Trained Mind' book the best homeschool curriculum?
Reply #5 on:
December 02, 2011, 12:28:00 PM »
Excellent response, I coulldn't have said it if I wanted to. I might have wanted to.
Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 03:08:07 PM by sonya_post
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Re: Homeschoolers, is 'The Well-Trained Mind' book the best homeschool curriculum?
Reply #6 on:
December 02, 2011, 05:18:48 PM »
Thanks, Sonya!
Larry Sanger -
How and Why I Taught My Toddler to Read:
Papa to two little boys, 6 and 1
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Re: Homeschoolers, is 'The Well-Trained Mind' book the best homeschool curriculum?
Reply #7 on:
December 03, 2011, 10:10:47 AM »
Dear @linzy, @Tanikit, @sonya_post, and @DadDude,
Thank you so much for taking time to answer my question, your excellent answers, and the list of suggested resources. I am extremely grateful.
Thank you so much to @DadDude for the list of recommended books. That is exactly what I was looking for: a catalogue of things to teach the child year by year. I've also read about the Core Knowledge Series 'What your X grader needs to know'. My question is:
1) Is Rebecca Rupp's 'Home Learning Year by Year' better and more rigorous than 'What Your X Grader Needs To Know'? I need a rigorous (but realistic) curriculum as I want the child to learn a lot. Is Rupp's book good value for money? Is there a better book or resource?
2) If yes to question 1, her book is a bit dated (published in 2000)? Does it matter that it was published in 2000? Do you have a suggestion for a more up to date rigorous curriculum?
3. I stay in the UK, hence several subjects like history, etc., taught in US and found in Rupp's book may not apply here. Apart from courses like history, do you think her curriculum will apply to the UK?
Thank you so much.
Last Edit: December 03, 2011, 10:25:35 AM by nee1
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Re: Homeschoolers, is 'The Well-Trained Mind' book the best homeschool curriculum?
Reply #8 on:
December 03, 2011, 01:46:53 PM »
Here are some sites that might help you:
Links to national curriculum documents from 20 different countries:
I see this site isn't working - trying to find it on the old site but so far no luck - will update if I do.
* National Curriculum of England Online:
This one is more specific for Key Stages 1 + 2:
In general you need to follow a general scope and sequence - how old is your child? Different countries have different ages at which you must register your child as being homeschooled. I think the UK is one of the earliest since they start school so young. When you register you should be able to get more detail about what they expect although don't count on it!
Last Edit: December 03, 2011, 01:53:30 PM by Tanikit
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Re: Homeschoolers, is 'The Well-Trained Mind' book the best homeschool curriculum?
Reply #9 on:
December 04, 2011, 02:28:07 AM »
Quote from: nee1 on December 03, 2011, 10:10:47 AM
1) Is Rebecca Rupp's 'Home Learning Year by Year' better and more rigorous than 'What Your X Grader Needs To Know'? I need a rigorous (but realistic) curriculum as I want the child to learn a lot. Is Rupp's book good value for money? Is there a better book or resource?
2) If yes to question 1, her book is a bit dated (published in 2000)? Does it matter that it was published in 2000? Do you have a suggestion for a more up to date rigorous curriculum?
3. I stay in the UK, hence several subjects like history, etc., taught in US and found in Rupp's book may not apply here. Apart from courses like history, do you think her curriculum will apply to the UK?
(1) Well, I only have two of the "What Your X Grader Needs to Know" books, and I can tell you that they are very U.S.-centric (this reflects Hirsch's notions about the importance of curricula in developing national identity). Also, they are
lists of topics or homeschooler standards; they are actually content books, i.e., they actually have lessons your child can read. I liked the Kindergarten one quite a bit, and the 1st grade one less, and never felt motivated to pick up the 2nd grade one. (Your mileage may vary.) Hirsch's
Books to Build On
is much closer to what you're looking for, but as it was published in 1996 it's even older than Rupp's book. It is mostly a book guide but does have some useful notes about general curricula. Rupp's book is indeed what you want, it appears. It's mostly a general description of things your child should know at certain ages, together with book recommendations.
(2) Ten-year-old book recommendations are pretty old, in my opinion. There are many better/newer book recommendation books. But I don't use these books so much for book recommendations, I use it only for the curriculum recommendations. The only book I've used extensively to get ideas for books to read has been
The Children's Literature Lover's Book of Lists.
For finding books on subjects, mostly I just use Amazon and glean ideas here and there (including from my fellow early/home-schoolers here!).
(3) Rupp has lots of world history recommendations. Where it will be light for you is in a lack of British history references. Also, you should bear in mind that a lot of books referenced in Rupp are from American publishers and so might not be so readily available in the U.K. The geography section is also U.S.-biased of course. No doubt the literature recommendations have more American lit than Brits usually read. My advice is to get it only if you can't find anything better that reflects the sensibilities of your own country, because you'll bound to find Rupp frustratingly American-oriented. If you think about it, that's how education is. Hirsch is right that education is one of the main ways we inculcate culture and while our cultures are similar, there are also many differences!
Larry Sanger -
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Re: Homeschoolers, is 'The Well-Trained Mind' book the best homeschool curriculum?
Reply #10 on:
December 04, 2011, 04:29:31 AM »
I probably didn't make it clear enough in my last post, but considering your last post I thought I'd try again.
You should consider checking out Veritas Press
. It is a free resource and is exactly the type of thing you are looking for. The catalog is free by request and has many good articles in it. You can also see the same stuff online. It breaks down by grade and subject area. Veritas Press is the publishing arm of Veritas Academy, a classical christian school. We use it for ideas. They tend to be accelerated by 1-2 years. There are benefits and curses to that especially when it comes to literature. There are some books they recommend I might want to hold off by a couple years and then there are others they never include at all. But that is where a parent comes in. They also do not teach science until the children are in 5th or 6th grade.
The Classical Education Support Loop has put out a 1000 good books list by grade level. It's pretty good and you can find it here:
Logos Press puts out a detailed curriculum guide for each grade level. They are the publishing arm of Logos Academy, another classical school. Their guides run about $20 a year. I've found them to be helpful when teaching my oldest son, now 16. But if you read enough and determine your philisophy of education you really don't need to purchase these guides.
Another resource is Ambelside Online
. It is a complete curriculum. The cost is only the costs of the texts. They use many free resources. It is a Charlotte Mason type program. Again, it breaks down by grade and subject. I would call it a Great Books education something Mortimer Alder would appreciate. Science in the early years is primarily nature study.
I hope that helps.
Last Edit: December 04, 2011, 04:31:24 AM by sonya_post
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Re: Homeschoolers, is 'The Well-Trained Mind' book the best homeschool curriculum?
Reply #11 on:
December 04, 2011, 07:09:19 AM »
I am from South Africa and most homeschoolers here use a combination of American curriculum with South African curriculum supplements to teach History and Geography and then a second language more suitable to our country (although many do teach second languages that are more European)
To find the South African curriculum we have homeschool expos - try and see if you can find one in the UK or link up elsewhere on the internet with homeschoolers in the UK - I have come across a few on certain message boards I frequent but have yet to find a site dedicated to UK homeschoolers - try and search for one as you will get good advice from people homeschooling in your own country. And finally look for homeschool co-op groups where you can meet up with people IRL who homeschool - it also helps with socialization for your child.
I disagree with DadDude that 10 year old book recommendations are not so great - Ambleside itself is full of book recommendations that must be decades old as it is classical literature. I do however agree that you probably shouldn't ONLY follow a 10 year old book's recommendations as then you would be missing out on a lot of great modern literature.
Most first time homeschoolers like to get a boxed curriculum and that way they feel they are covering everything and not missing out anything. Most people on Brillkids and also those that have been homeschooling for a while work with multiple curricula for different subjects and make it up as they go along therefore using a siope and sequence and picking their own materials thus meaning that every curriculum is different. Basically you make sure your childis covering what should be covered in a certain grade - you can even use multiple scope and sequences for this as when you homeschool you have more than enough time to cover more than a school curriculum covers - because of the early education I gave my daughter I am finding that I am having to cover both kindergarten and first grade topics with her now and she is only 4 years old. Her phonics is at about a second grade level while her math is at about a first grade level except for the handwriting.
Keep researching and reading until you find something you like or think might work for you.
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Re: Homeschoolers, is 'The Well-Trained Mind' book the best homeschool curriculum?
Reply #12 on:
December 04, 2011, 09:36:05 PM »
I use the Core Knowledge Foundation curriculum to make sure I don't miss anything:
. But I mainly put together my own curriculum. Encyclopedias are really great for this for younger kids. I have lots of encyclopedias (mainly Usborne and Kingfisher) covering all kinds of topics. I use library books and online resources to supplement the encyclopedias. So, if I'm covering the nervous system in the Kingfisher Human Body encyclopedia, I'll try to find library books or online resources that go into more depth. It's easy to find lists of classic books online. When my kids are older, it may be necessary to look into an actual curriculum. But I feel that putting together my own right now is working really well and we are largely going beyond the Core Knowledge Foundation recommendations.
Posts: 344
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Re: Homeschoolers, is 'The Well-Trained Mind' book the best homeschool curriculum?
Reply #13 on:
December 05, 2011, 08:05:07 PM »
Dear @Tanikit, @Daddude, @sonya_post, and @fma001,
Thank you so much for your very useful advice. I have taken everything on board.
I have just ordered 'Home Learning' by Rupp suggested by @DadDude, I will request from my local library the encyclopedias suggested by @fma001, and I have checked up the excellent internet resources suggested by @sonya_post, @Tanikit, and @linzy.
Thank you so, so much. I am extremely grateful.
Best regards,
Posts: 977
Karma: 380
Re: Homeschoolers, is 'The Well-Trained Mind' book the best homeschool curriculum?
Reply #14 on:
December 06, 2011, 03:12:27 AM »
Just wanted to thank fma001 for the Core Knowledge link. I had forgotten about that!
Larry Sanger -
How and Why I Taught My Toddler to Read:
Papa to two little boys, 6 and 1
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