First of all Welcome to homeschooling. The very first thing you need to do is see what the state laws are regarding homeschool. You don't want to start homeschooling then realize that you are doing things against the law, second you need to decide which type of learning style your child is, this will take some trial and error, if the child is an audiotory learner or hands on, etc, third you need to see which type of curricula that you are wanting to use not the brand name but the type like internet interactive only, workbooks, cd's and so on, fourth you need to feel around to see what your child likes to learn with like hands on toys or the computer before you decide to buy curricula, and then there is more. Remember to consider your child's needs and likes before purchasing a curricula. If you would like to take a course in homeschooling 101 from me PM me and I will tell you about it, it is a online course that is FREE!
I have homeschooled 18 children and I am currently homeschooling my 3, 2 and 5 month old along with 12 other children. So if you need help let me know. I will be glad to help you.
I would reccommend Jumpstart Preschool CD, the website for both,, and workbooks that are published by American Education Publishing a comprehensive curriculum for preschool. You can find these at or for cheaper price then in most stores.
As far as the rewards thing (forced learning) we use a daily schedule with smiley faces, when an activity is completed then the child colors in the smiley face, when all smiley faces colored in then a reward is given like a computer game, a lapbook game, swinging on a swing outside, etc. You don't need to force learning on a child or they will hate it, then you will see signs of pushing the worksheet away or crayon throwing, but if you can find the right interest to the child like cars or bears then make the curricula to fit to the childs interst.
Now don't get me wrong I do believe that a child needs to be guided or redirected but totally forced to learn no, and call me a hard core unschooler then that's okay but there does come a time where some discipline is needed. I have seen a lot of this when helping others homeschool or as I call it home educating their children where the child pushes the worksheet away, throws a crayon, or rolls the pencil away. I specialize in making this type of curricula or theme units as some call them. Believe me I created a years worth of homeschool curricula based on cars, then the next year we were fine and doing good without the car or anyother theme. Once a child gets into a schedule and or a routine the child knows what is expected of them and they in return start following the rules.
I like to start home educating my children at 6 months old, however, with my 5 month old she seems to be more interested in things and is able to hold onto things so I started home educating her already.
As far as punishing the child in my school we don't use that word at all, if the activities are not completed then the reward is not given at that time, we will move on to something else then come back to finish the activity and then the reward is earned. Sometimes the activity doesn' get completed after 2 attempts so on that note I ask the child why if able to talk, sometimes the child doesn't like something to do with that page or activity like the color, or the picture or the worksheet may be to busy. Finding out why and stopping to understand your childs behaviour may be the key to unerstanding why the activity wasn't ocmpleted. Having patience when working with toddlers is another important issue, not everything for them is easy to understand so things need to be repeated if needed until the child gets the hang of things, and don't talk to fast, slow your speach down. And yes the tantrums do come and the whinning and then the word no, but consistiency is the key word on those things, and trial and error as well.
Learning comes in all forms not just worksheets, books, computers, and flashcards, learning can also be just hanging out with mom and dad learning to follow directions, like for instance I am teaching cooking to my LO's, washing the dishes, etc. They love this and they are learning as well. Not forcing them do to it but they like doing it, sometimes you just have to stop your daily routine or schedule and just chill out and have fun. Kids get 'burned out' as well right along with the parents/teachers.
Like I said if you would like to take my basic course for FREE PM me. And I hope I haven't offended anyone so if I have please forgive me. My intentions were not to do that but just o give my opinion.