Book: How to raise an amazing child the montessori way
Depending on where you live if you have an Ikea close by, you can purchase a LATT table and chair set. I use that one for my childs meals and basic activity . For other things I have a Kritter table but I find Latt is better for her height. If you want to do absolutely the correct things by the book, you may have to purchase glass items. For this time I am sticking to plastic pitchers etc mostly, but her plates and bowls are glass. Instead of having low wooden shelves which i would absolutely love, I just got some sterilite shelves and inexpensive particle board book cases (these are perfect height) I have corralled her activity things (like beads, dry beans, clothespins etc) in separate baskets and then put it in the shelves for easy reach. I store items like washcloth bibs within easy reach so she can get them herself (while making a huge mess)
In the kitchen : I keep a separate drawer for her things (lowest one of course) I do not have space for a nice sturdy wooden step stool , so I just bring out one of her small wooden chairs (GUlliver from IKea) and have her stand on that while helping me. Also the LAtt table is easy to move from dining room to kitchen for her to help me with a few things like washing vegetables etc. I have small dustpan/broom for her , inexpensive plastic again)
For practicing cutting, I simply have her sit in her high chair at times. It works fine !
I do not practice all the principles of montessori , infact less than 15 % I should say . But i would love to do it. This is just a step . I reasoned that even if I used inexpensive items which are non- breakable, if she learns the skills , thats great for me. I did not want to get caught up in the equipment so much that I would lose focus (and money
) But that is what i think , I hope that helps you.