well to start with Singapore math is not a brand or company name
it is simply the method used by the schools in Singapore and developed by the Minister of Education
the program sold on the singaporemath.com site (Primary Mathematics) is no longer being used in schools in Singapore
singapore no longer has one math program but four
New Syllabus Primary Mathematics
My Pals Are Here! Maths
Discover Maths
Shaping Maths
most of the schools use the advanced My Pals Are Here
Math in Focus is the USA version of My Pals Are Here
i used the kindergarten math program from singaporemath.com (EarlyBird)
and we liked it a lot
but starting at first grade with Primary Mathematics
the program had a lot less color and seemed a bit dry
so that's why we switched over to MIF
the books just seemed more interesting
which is super important when teach a really little kid
i also ordered A Handbook for Mathematics Teachers in Primary Schools from amazon
but it's not in yet so i can't review
Marshall Cavendish Education is the company that makes MIF
i believe it is also the same company that made Primary Mathematics
so don't believe there is a huge difference between the two programs
i order MIF from
www.greatsource.comthe student bundle cost me about $50