Dear knstrick,
I do professional curricum development and instruction for homeschoolers. Here is the fruit of decades of teaching. If you do reading and math well it is practically impossible to fail at the education game. If you do not do reading and mathematics well it is practically impossible to succeed at education.
So what does that mean. You have a pre-schooler, start teaching them reading and math right now. Don't wait for the proscribed age of 5 or 6 years old. This came about mainly because children could not distinguish small print at an early age and were deemed incapable of learning to read. The key is to start with very large letters and numbers. It is not too complex with the right materials because the concepts are pretty simple at that level.
That does not mean it is easy just because it is simple. That is why this forum is so useful. You can get good advice and guidance from parents who have done it before you and avoid making time-consuming mistakes. One common mistake to to have your child involved in a dozen different activities thereby minimizing priority skills like reading and math. Not that you cannot do multiple subjects just prioritize reading and math by doubling the time you spend on those subjects.
Feel free to contact me if you wish (
[email protected]). I will be happy to consult with you by phone at no charge. I run a non-profit educational institute for home schoolers.