I really would like to home school my child as like someone said in another strand, if we teach our children now everything they will learn in the first few years of school they will get bored and not want to go. I know that I was like that, i could read before i went into school and the teachers tried to make me read the books the other students were reading and it only took me a few seconds to finish them. Even though i was finishing them so quick the teachers wouldnt give me anything more challenging. It took my mum coming into the school and talking to the teacher before they would give me a higher level to read.
All through school i felt like i didnt fit in. When i was in year 1 i used to tutor other students, and being a kid

i accepted 50cents for doing their homework...sometimes.
By the time i was in year three they finally realized that i needed to be in a higher class so i got skipped up into year four. But it was half way through the year and most of the students in the higher class resented me, i guess they felt threatened or something as i was younger.
It was hard to make friends and I was always bullied and an outcast at school. I know that a lot of people say that being homeschooled means that the child will miss out on a social life and wont make friends but I was put into school and didnt make friends anyway.
If i homeschool my child i will make sure that they get involved with other children depending on their interests. If they are interested in sports, drama, music...etc.. I believe that it is easier to make friends in groups outside of school anyway. I have also heard that you can have homeschooling groups, where parents around the local area who are all homeschooling their children, get together and run lessons together so the children experience a school like atmosphere.
This is the reason why I'd choose to homeschool. Just wondering about other people, and how they made the choice to homeschool?