My son is 2 yr 3mo and I too am interested in homeschooling him. Like you I couldn't wait to get started. But I did spend the $200 on the YBCR and at first I thought it was worth it. The problem is I just don't like him watching that much TV...I did eventualy get the Book 'Teach your baby to read' and I asked my husband for the rest of the books by Glenn Doman and the institue for the achievement of human potential as a Gift. The Library and Amazon are othe options ofcourse.
I strongly recommend these books (teach your baby to...) here's the site
http://www.iahp.org/I believe this is probably the most economical way to teach your child, also the most time consuming. And of course this site too.
I'm new here also, so I don't know much about the Little Reader program. I have a feeling I will probably end up getting it also Mostly for the languages.