Hi! You definitely want to check out
Doman Mom-- the authors name is Liz and I've been following her site for several years now. I think that her site is great and she's got one of the most "complete" Infant Education type blogs out there. She has pretty much everything you could need for the infant stage available on her website and she is truly cool. You can read through her archives and see how her technique has been refined over about 8 years and 3 kids.
DomanMom isn't active on this site as much but she replies to comments on her blog and the archives on the BK forum are a wealth of information.
Infact none of the veterans are as active on this site as they were when their kids were young, but what you want to do is dig through the archives of certain users posts--aiangeles, Linzy, daddude, waterdreamer, PokerDad, Marta and TeachingMyToddlers(she changed her name a few times so that could be wrong) they are some of the most prolific users from the BK "golden age" (2009-2013). When this site was constantly abuzz with activity. You can read their journeys more closely by going to their profile and working through their archive of posts. There are several others too--probably the best thing that you can do is read through the archives of this site and take notes. You'll want to get your library card in good order because there are some EL authors that you'll want to read and you'll find them mentioned in this. Glenn Doman is only the tip of the ice berg.
Anyway, sorry for that tangent. You can begin teaching your baby the most essential skills by supporting language every way you can--speaking, signing, speaking, reading, speaking and speaking some more. If she can appreciate and understand words then half the battle is already won. You'll want to talk to and show the baby things--all sorts of things. Everything from flashcards to houseplants to photographs etc. And always, always, always talk to baby. Domans "How Smart is Your Baby" book is a wonderful starting point and again,
www.DomanMom.com will help you tremendously with that program.
Welcome to you and your little one and I hope that you'll enjoy the ride

PS--Linzy, wow! Congratulations to your family on your newest baby! (Boy or girl?)
Its so exciting to hear about Blaise and Masons status--I'm sure lots of the BK readers would appreciate an in-depth update on them, I know I would, but then again I'm an education and EL junky so maybe I'm just jonsing for a "fix"

! Its great to "see" you online again.