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Author Topic: Hello Everyone - From Judy Mendes  (Read 37168 times)
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« on: February 23, 2009, 08:14:05 AM »

Hi everyone,
I am a mother of one A daughter who is 17 months.
I took interest in this group as I am being teaching my daughter Glenn Domman progrms all of the below since birth.
"How to teach your baby to read"
"How Smart is your baby"
"How to teach your baby Math"
"How to teach your baby ency."
"How to keep your baby physicaly superb"
"How to teach your baby to swim"

I have being doing all of the above with my daughter since birth, and its amazing how quick they learn. My daughter could float on her back at age 1 month and could walk without support at age 7.5 months, she had a vocabulary of 60 at age 1 year

More importantly what took me to this site is because, knowing there is a software that can help me to faster play around with my BIT materials, saves alot of time.

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« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2009, 04:00:40 PM »

Hi and welcome to the forums. It's great to have you here! Feel free to browse the forums and add to any discussions that interest you.  Please let us know if you have any questions or need any help getting around. We hope to hear more from you soon!


"While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what life is all about."

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« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2009, 07:44:31 PM »

Hi JudyMendes,

Wow!  You must be so proud of your daughters accomplishments!  yes   Good for you.  Where did you learn about the Glenn Domman programs and how far have you got with it all?

It's so nice to have folk like yourself who can prove that all the hard work really does pay off.

Look forward to hearing more


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« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2009, 01:49:39 AM »

Hi Tabs
It was by accident that I heard about Glen Doman. It was one day at Chapters, the book store where I was looking for a scrap book for my new born, accidentally as i was browsing thru the books my eyes fell on one eye catching book "How Smart is your baby" written by Glen Doman. This book happened to me in some extreme corner where barely anyone could see it.

It was from this book that lead me to buy some more books by Glen. I started to prepare all the BIT cards and DOT Cards, Infant stimulation material when i was in my second trimister. Yes, all called me crazy including my parents but all what motivated me the letters from moms who put their children on glen's program. And yes i have seen benefits from it.

Suprisingly my daughter speaks in sentences since age 1. She can say "What happened", "what is this/that" , "whose that", "i love you" and many more, she even says numbers 1-10. But she knows more than 100 numbers by can say just 1-10.

With reading : I do a mix of both single words and phrases. As she learns new things i just add to the list and form phrases

With Encylopedia: I still doing the 100 categories suggested by Glen

With Numbers: Its with 3 step addition, but I have also started to introduce her to French, Chinese, and German numbering.

With Swimming: She goes for swim classes

With physical activities: she goes for gymnastics

The only thing i couldnt do with her is music, that is because i dont any instruments myself. But heard that if you can teach you child 1-9 and A-G they can start to learn piano. Hence I have started to teach alphabets eventhough according to Glen alphabet teaching should be the last on the list. I still do it.

Yes, that's it. But its a big preparation to do all this. One can do it effectively if you are a stay at home. since i work it makes it difficult for me to keep up with it, Hence this software helps me to do it quickly and faster.

Ayesha Nicole
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« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2009, 02:16:18 AM »

Dear JudyMendes & All,

Welcome to the forums.  We are happy to have you here.  I am so happy for your daughter's accomplishments!  Congratulations!

Would you please share with us your typical daily schedule/routine so that we can have a better idea of how easy it truly is?  Did you begin with all programs from birth - or start reading and then incorporate each one?  And how do you use LR / LM to prepare your materials - and while working! WOW! 

I have started off with the Doman Reading book, and learning to use LR software for English and Arabic (classical and fus-hah/modern standard Arabic).  I am using YBCR until I can complete preparing materials for each of the five steps for both languages.  I just finished reading the Physical Superbness book and will create an indoor trapeze/dowel between the door-frame as well as get the girls to walk on the treadmill until it is warmer out.  I plan to read the Math book to better understand Little Math program and to also use the Math kit that I have,  I also intend to add Encylopedic Knowledge once those three programs are running smoothly; and will look into the swimming as well. 

I am frustrated most with lesson planning/preparation than anything.  What are your experiences and your advice, please?

Ayesha smile


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« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2009, 04:07:29 AM »

Thanks first,
But to start with, i prepare my materials a month in advance, so that i dont fall back in planning and preparing my material. Yes, i do agree it's frustrating when you dont have your materials ready, hence i only start with my child when i have everything in place.

To start with this is what i do:

1. I have an excel sheet that outlines what would i teach my child each week. I have attached a sample of my excel sheet. Hence this gets me to a head start in planning and prepares me in advance of what i need to do. PLAN is the most important thing to achieve what you want

2. Then, once i have outlined all what i need to do, i start to gather material and information, now since i do 9-5 job, i  normally prepare my materials every day for 1 hour after my child is off to a good night sleep. Then on weekends i just put all the materials together and make my presentations or i put in Little Reader. Each week I target 2 categories hence by end of the month i have atleast 8 new categories or more to begin for the next month. This keeps me ahead.

About spending time with my daughter and teaching her, I atleast cover 2 sessions in each Maths / Encylopedia / Reading.
This is what I do:
1. At the end of the day, i'll keep my materials ready for the next day, the way i do it, is if i am teaching her BIT Cards, then i'll keep the selected BIT Cards organized in a seperate folder or in a plastic basket. But since now i have the LR lite, i just keep in ready in playback session
2. So, once done this, the next day after work, i just refresh my self and feed my daughter after daycare and spend time in my room playing with her and teaching her, at times she does both sessions together, so which means i am done with my sessions. I dont force her into doing 3 sessions on a weekday as it becomes to stressful. Eventhough Glen recomends 3 sessions, i just follow my daughters mood.

And as such, there is no ground rule that says that only if your child is shown 3 sessions a day, she would learn what she is shown. Hence just follow your childs instincts. Dont get caught up with how many sessions  you do with her. Beleive they can even learn in one session a day, I am saying it because my daughter does know things with only one session per day.
Also, not to forget, that as you progress in your teaching, you would be repeating these words / number so many times, hence i am not rigid with number of sessions i do, I can tell when she learnt what she saw, when she shows interest.

Also i try to club encylopdia/reading sessions together, that is when i show the picture i also the words hence in this way i killing 2 birds in one stone. Hence to summarize instead of doing 3 sessions of each in encylopedia / maths / reading, that is 3 +3 + 3 = 9 sessions, i just do 2 sessions where each session is a combination of all 3 hence bringing it down to 2 sessions rather than 9 sessions, and believe my daughter has learnt it this way right from birth (no jokes). It would drive me crazy and stressfull to do 9 short sessions. Hence i just do quick sessions as my daughter can sit with long sessions. I guess she got use to it since birth. But yes there are times that she just looks at few BITs and done with it, then in such situation i would continue with that BIT later during the day or may be next day.

If  it's on the weekend then the best time, i do it with my daughter is in the morning after her breakfast, after her nap and evening

Hence this how i manage doing it in short, But yes, there are times that i dont teach her anything for months as they are priorities at home/work, and hence at those times, i just put her on some educational DVDs from "BumbleeBee DVDs", and also as i spend time with her i alway always emphasise speaking to her in short sentences, teaching her atleast one new word orally everyday, this ateast gives me a satisfaction that she learnt something. Also when creates a mess at home with her toys or eating, i'll get her envolved cleaning up the mess. Like eg. If her toys are all around the place, i get her picking up the toys by their names, so i would tell her get the teddy bear, then where is the blue fish, of where is the tall giraffe, hence in this way i am always using short sentences when talking to her, eventhough i am not formally teaching her BIT Cards. And she loves the clean up mess game. Even in the bath tub, i would point to all her parts of the body and believe she knows everypart of her body even her private parts, so this way i am always teaching her be it on / off glen's program.
Also there are times, i'll take her the laundary room and tell her put to the clothes in washer/dryer along with me and at times also name the clothes as i throw it for washing.

My personal experience, is to just enjoy what you do with a child, dont get stuck with the sessions counts you need to them, believe they are born genious. All you need is to create that environment for them and they will follow it. And also most important thing from all, ALWAYS GIVE CREDIT TO YOURSELF, for it is because of you, that your child has the environment.

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« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2009, 03:18:24 PM »

Hi Judy,

Wow I'm amazed and inspired by you! Your meticulous organization, what you have accomplished while working full-time... My biggest problem was the organization, many thanks for the wonderful planning spreadsheet.


Ayesha Nicole
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« Reply #7 on: February 25, 2009, 03:57:46 PM »

Dear Judy & All,

Thank you very much for sharing your experiences and routine/schedule - you make it seem so easy and effortless.  smile  

Because I am visual learner and work best with a general routine/schedule as a "flexible" guideline, I really appreciate your .xls sample - this is exactly what I have been trying to create myself and now have a better idea of how to "keep it simple".  

As much as I have benefited from this forum, LR, and the downloads, what has been most helpful was seeing the individual steps for the Doman reading program in .ppt from , and your sample planner.  

I had to take a break from lesson planning because I was learning how to create picture files and sound clips, for some highly specialized Arabic fonts and precise pronunciation, to use in .ppt/LR, which took some time.  Now I am back to the planning stages for both English and Arabic reading program, which will be a lot easier now, thanks to you!  

Ayesha smile


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« Reply #8 on: February 25, 2009, 06:00:54 PM »

Thanks Ayesha and Joan
I am glad my sample.xls file has been of some help to you.

Infact shortly i will  be also posting all the BIT Categories i created for my daughter on this site.

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« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2009, 04:01:33 AM »

Welcome, Judy, very glad to have you here! smile

And great job you've been doing with your daughter! Do keep us updated with her progress! smile


Ayesha Nicole
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« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2009, 12:44:20 PM »

Dear Judy & All,

Great!  Thank you again for helping me move from a state of anxiousness with lesson planning to excitement about implementing it easily.  For some reason, I had a hard time creating a detailed, yet simple, planner as yours, and other parents descriptions of their daily program was general and less specific.

Ayesha smile


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« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2009, 10:11:24 PM »

Thanks Ayesha and KL

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« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2009, 11:03:21 PM »

hi judy, first of all, welcome to the forum and secondly, congratulations to your great work with ur child.
i am just amazed and shocked on how u were able to combine both work and teaching ur child and u have come up with a detailed excel sheet as well.

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« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2009, 06:17:33 AM »

Hi jsmonton
I guess it all comes with determination and hardwork.
Even before i could have a baby, i knew all what i want to do with my child.

But there were times I would just fall back and give myself a break especially when i'm working.

What i realised is, spending time with your child and having fun as you play and learn is the most important factor to lay the basis of your foundation. Since I enjoyed what i did in the entire material preparation and offcourse teaching my child, it never bothered me how hectic it is for me to juggle between work and home.

Mandi Quiring
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« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2009, 07:13:02 AM »

ty karma loved our excel sheet!!!

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