Welcome to the forum! It's lovely to have you join us.
You seem to have done a good job finding resources for you 5 year old even without the forum. Teaching a 3 year old their alphabet is still a little bit taboo in Australia ( i am in Brisbane) so well doe for that! Letter land is loads of fun for that age group. I have it in my kindy class on the computers. They all love it and que. up for a turn.
As you now have all programs I reccomend you use little musician for you 5 year old, preferable at a faster rate than one lesson a day if you can manage it. My kids (9,7,4) seem to get even more out of it at a twice a day lesson rate. They seem to absorb it and build on their know edge very quickly.
For little reader be sure to download some of the files in the share file section that particularly interest your child. Dogs, dinosaurs and all the science files are very popular in this house. We also make files on topics they love.
To use Little math with your five year old use it to teach counting, skip counting and flash some of the lessons to get a deeper understanding of different quantities. Don't be too strick on finishing each lesson ( stop while your child is still interested) and definately download some fun icons form the share section. Insects, spiderman and Disney princesses are infinitely more interesting to 5 year olds than dots!
Hope we hear lots more from you!