Hi Martha,
Thanks for the report. Can you kindly tell us more about what's happening in your Little Math:
- What exactly were you doing when LM crashed or hanged (playing a lesson, customizing presets, or importing anything?)
- How often has this happened? Can you recall doing anything (even outside LM, like installing other software) before LM started crashing?
- - E T A - -
From your report we found that your computer seems to have many suspicious files due to viruses, and this can cause problems with running Little Math. Please try the following to address this issue:
1. Run a full virus scan of your computer.
In case you don't have any anti-virus software, or if you are unsure if you were able to complete the virus scan, you may want to try using Dr. Web Cure It! (it's a free downloadable anti-virus software):
http://www.freedrweb.com/cureit/?lng=en2. Do a Repair of Little Math
Simply follow these steps (instructions are for Windows 7):
- From your Start menu, open your Control Panel
- Under"Programs," choose "Programs and Features"
- Find and select "BrillKids Little Math"
- Click on the Change button, and an InstallShield Wizard will open
- Choose "Repair" then click on "Next"
- When asked if you want to "restore default content" please leave it un-checked and finish the Repair process
After this, try opening Little Math and see if the problem was fixed. If it's still not working, kindly send us a new Diagnostic Report.