Hi Scott!
Thanks for the input and suggestions - we do take them seriously and rest assured we'll be considering them when we release our new builds.
Have you been looking for ways to specifically make v2 work better with parallels as an easier way to have your programs work on macs rather than design a whole new mac version?
We've looked into this, however the unfortunate news is that our software was build around the Microsoft .NET framework, which is a framework update available only for Windows-based PCs (newer versions of Windows OS already has this built in, and the lack of this is the primary reason why Macs cannot run our software.) Repackaging Little Reader and Little Math to run without .NET will require complete breakdown and reprogramming of the software, and this is why it will take quite a while before we are able to come up with a Mac-compatible version of LR and LM.
1. Stuff you paid points for should be re-downloadable again without having to use points again.
How do I know which ones i downloaded and/or how do i do it?
Your BrillKids Account "remembers" the files which you have already downloaded from our Forum. You can re-download stuff which you've downloaded before simply by following these steps:
1. Go to your Software Systems page in Account Management - while signed in, hover over the Account link on the upper right-hand corner of the page and select Software Systems from the drop down menu.
2. On the left side of the page, click on Downloaded Files.
3. You will then see a list of files you have previously downloaded from our forum library. Clicking on these links will enable you to download these files again without having to get charged in points.
what do you recommend the best way to install LR & LM? What i mean is, i bought the deluxe package that has the installation discs and the instructions i received with them was to use them but online it says to go through the 3 steps. do i need both? if i use both will that create problems?
Both methods of installation will work just fine - you can choose to install using your CDs, or you can choose to just download directly from your online account.
The main difference is that what you get from your online account will always be
the most updated version of your software. If we have changed anything in Little Reader or its curriculum content over the past month, you're sure to get it by downloading from your BrillKids Account. The installer and your content CDs will have the most updated files at the time when you bought them, but if we have updated or changed anything since then, the files in the CDs will not be as up to date compared to what you can get online.
3. With the multiple times i've , and will be again, installing and registering my license keys can you tell that it's all been on my one computer or will it cause problems because it looks like i'm putting it on more than the allowed 2 computers?
This isn't a problem, because you have a way to manage all of your activation records - again using your Account Management pages. Usually our system can discern that the key has been used multiple times on the same PC and will log this as just one activation records; but in the case where it doesn't and you find yourself with an error message saying you've activated your license key one too many times, you can always just go to your BrillKids Account and delete the records so you can free up activation slots.
To learn how to manage your activation records, please visit this support article:
http://support.brillkids.com/index.php/article/manage-activation-records4. where is the best place to send you/post suggestions/requests?
We have several ways where you can send us messages - rest assured we will receive all of them and reply to them accordingly. You can reach us using any of the following methods:
1. Post in the BrillKids Forum (if you have issues which are LR and LM specific, it's best to post in their respective tech-support threads)
2. Through our contact form at
http://www.brillkids.com/contact-us.php3. By replying to emails sent by our support team
5. i asked you in a private message/e-mail, for the option to buy plastic inserts, binders, and banners to promote your affiliate program on my websites. Will you post any or all of these in your announcements section of the forum when they are available?
We post announcements and send everyone emails whenever we have a new feature or new product available, so as a BrillKids member, you can rest assured that you will receive them as we send them out. We replied to your support ticket regarding the binder as a separate purchase, but seeing as you might not have gotten our reply, here's the gist of the message:
The good news is that we are currently preparing the BrillKids Binder set for separate purchase - we'll probably be launching this sometime before the end of the month!Regarding the banners for the affiliate promotions, we are still building this feature, so each affiliate will have several options for designs and sizes with their affiliate links already inserted into the code so you can get html which you can copy and paste onto your sites and blogs for use. Again, please bear with us as we are currently developing quite a lot of things at the same time.
I hope that helps answer a few of your questions.
Do let me know if there's anything I've missed!
Get well soon!