I have been using little math for some time now. It comes with the following options..
Numbersrandom icon, random placement
random icon, rapid pronunciation
random icon, grid mode
repeated mixed icon
introducing numerals
red dots
chinese numerals
Custom and example presets.
MathAdditions, subtractions, multiplications, and divisions presets.
Each option under
numbers has files that has 10 numbers in it, like 0 to 10, 11 to 20, 21 to 30, ...till 100.
You can start off with these options or if you want to follow Doman or Shichida method you can download these presets from Day 1 to Day 65 from little math library. Presets make your life easier as you just have to download and double click on the file to import. Ready to use
Please see the following thread
Feel free ask any doubts.