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Author Topic: Little Math Testimonials  (Read 38983 times)
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« on: March 09, 2009, 09:34:27 AM »

Hello everyone!

It's that time again!  We've been reading through all of your testimonials in our recent Little Math Beta Survey, and again, we are so happy to hear that Little Math has been received so well.  It truly gives us great pleasure and motivation to know that our product is helping you to teach your little ones more easily and effectively.  smile


Having said that, we've chosen several testimonials from our survey results that we would like to use on our webpages, but there are still some testimonials that have not been claimed. yes

If a testimonial below was written by you, PLEASE LET US KNOW.

I hope that you may claim your testimonial by letting us know by replying to this thread, or if you would like to claim in private, you may send us a PM with the testimonial number, stating that it is yours.

If you claim your testimonial, we will publish it on our Little Math Testimonials page in the website along with your name and a photo of you (if you wish).  wub


Little Math is the only unique software that I have come across in teaching my child maths! I have spent so many nights making maths dots. But with LM I have save so much time. It is user friendly and provides so much fun and interest for my daughter to learn maths.


My son hated the dots, he did not want to look at my cards or playing math games. Now he loves math, the transport icons are his favourite. I gets frustrated after each lesson becz he still wants to see more. However I have to stop before he wants to stop.


Its truely a great tool.Currently our daughter's  not well for over a month so not having much organised lessons. She loved the fruits and mixed icons. Its superb. I couldn;t have ever thought of mixed icons. Its so much easier to have different combinations, all equations...all in there by default.We both just love it. I'm amazed at the amount of possibilitied LM has opened to teach math. My lil one had lost interest in dot cards n with LM i feel..i don;t have to give up the maths programme. Too happy to have it.Thanks!!  Great job brillbaby team...keep it up!!


If you would like to see the testimonials we have used, please see here:


If you have been using Little Math and would like to add your testimonial, please add it by replying to this thread!

Again, on behalf of the BrillKids Team, thank you very much for sharing your joy in using Little Math.

Shuki smile

« Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 10:50:00 AM by KL » Logged

"Create love and peace wherever you go" - Michael Balzary
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« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2009, 02:28:05 PM »

TESTIMONIAL 2 is mine.



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« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2009, 04:14:52 AM »

Thankyou very much for claiming your testimonial so quickly, shy001!  LOL

If anyone else would like to leave a testimonial please feel free to post it in this thread. smile



"Create love and peace wherever you go" - Michael Balzary
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« Reply #3 on: March 10, 2009, 03:16:22 PM »

Let me take this opportunity to thank everyone for the heartwarming testimonials

Like Shuki said, if you would like to leave a testimonial, please do so here!

« Last Edit: May 08, 2009, 07:07:09 AM by KL » Logged

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« Reply #4 on: March 11, 2009, 01:48:00 AM »

I have to say I was getting so overwhelmed with all there is to teach my little guy that we kind of just let math go for awhile. But now that we have Little Math, we are back at it. It is so easy to use, and quick! We fly through our lessons (in a good way!) My son loves the different images available to look at, no more boring red dots over and over! Thanks for a great program that makes it so much easier for us busy mommies to teach our babies.

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« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2009, 06:25:24 AM »

Thanks KL. Again, I can't tell you how much time and energy LM saves me. I really like the program a lot and am so grateful to you and your team for creating such a terrific program. Without Little Math, I honestly don't think we'd be doing math at all (or it would be very inconsistent) because my son doesn't enjoy it enough to justify me spending all the time & effort required with the cards.

Little Math was the tool I needed to keep both my son and myself interested in Math. We do it consistently and both have fun at it too.

I highly recommend the program to those wanting to do Math with their children!


- I'm hosting a giveaway on my blog.
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« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2009, 10:27:58 AM »

Brill Kids Little Math is indeed an excellent tool and resource! I use it every day. We made all of the Doman math dot cards 1 through 100, but I still use the program to augment the first leg of the Doman program - and it really helps me keep track of where exactly we are in the equations - like when to switch from addition to subtraction and so forth (I actually think you should do a little bit of every sort of arithmetic every chance you get: two bikes with two wheels each is ...four wheels!!!). (I also plan to teach him the Shichida 65 day program with LM as well - the LM program makes everything easier!).

I love the alternate icons even though I usually just show him the red dots now that I have already used the baby friendly icons to get him enjoying the program. (He lost interest in the higher number dot cards - after ten or twenty. But when I showed him all of the baby friendly icons - like baby faces and funky little cartoon objects - he became very interested in watching the LM quantites and equations!) Also never underestimate "Being Joyous" - if you show enough enthusiasm and JOY you  can teach him to love and be interested in just about anything!!

I think the program has amazing potential for teaching him math way into the future.


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« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2009, 06:44:08 PM »

Let me thank you guys for providing me with this great tool. I used to show the red dot flash cards to my son who got bored with it within a month. Little math has got him interested again in maths with its variety of icons and ease of operation. My son loves to watch it and he wants it to see the lessons all by himself now. At the same time, it has reduced my work. It's a great tool and I'd recommend it to  every parent!

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« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2009, 12:25:34 AM »

I find the red dots to be odd.  I like the little reader concept, but I don't quite understand how the little math works.  I really have not concentrated on the numbers and math with my son yet.  Its time now to start of that aspect.  thanks for the valuable infor.

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« Reply #9 on: March 30, 2010, 05:36:06 AM »

Dear KL, and Brillkids Team,

My son is one year old now. We started using LM from 4.5months. Right from day one he was so attentive and LM soon became his favorite.

I wish to tell you all how much he loves LR and LM. My machine crashed and I had to reinstall the LM. When it didnt work, he got so furious that he broke my keyboard - because he couldnt get to see LM. Then I requested KL and found the problem and he solved it. And my son is back with his LM and is so happy. When he sees LM or LR he wont see any where. The whole time he is so attentive and smiling.

LM and LR and the forum screen too had become his favorites. and LM his best friend.

I know that children should be very happy while getting trained in doman or shichida or tweedlewink things. So normally I prepare him to this before showing him LR or LM screens.  But sometimes when he cries or adamant, to stop him I show him LR or LM. He quits crying instantly and keeps smiling.

At this time I dont use anyother softwares or dvds except LM for Math. It is so easy convenient and soooo good.

My son can do additions,subtractions, and multiplications. He is just one year smile....Kudos to KL team. My heartfelt thanks to Brillkids.

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« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2010, 08:56:02 AM »

Hi, I'm new here. I have started LM for about a week so far. It is unbelievable. I was SO surprised when my daughter signed me 'more' after we finished LM the recent few days. (She did that too after we were done with LR) Obviously she likes the program! Great job, Brillkids team! My daughter would turn away quickly when I showed her GD math dots before. Now, she's attentive when we watch the lessons together and always wants more. I can't wait to teach her LM in Chinese mode and try different online downloads. I'm from Hong Kong and am thrilled to discover that I can teach her math in Chinese. That's really awesome! Now our learning journey has just begun. It's going to be fun!!!! 

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« Reply #11 on: May 19, 2010, 02:54:59 PM »

I can't tell you how EASY LM is to use!  As a bit of background,  i have been spending a lot of time compiling equations ever since we started Doman's method and let me tell you it is not fun.   I just started flashing 4 integer equations.  What a pain!  Do you have any idea how long it takes to compile 9 equations a day for 2 weeks?
 But with LM, you don't even have to think about it, you just press start.  And it doesn't get boring for the children because there are different images being flashed all the time, not just red dots, so it is always something new!  Not only do i not have to compile equations, I don't have to worry about MY math when we get to mixed equations because it has already been done for us.  And with all of the extra material you can download from the Brillkids website the sky is the limit!
The one aspect of this program that is unlike any other program on the market (and i've tried a lot of them) is the fact that the program  doesn't stop after about 50 words or learning amounts up to 100. Because it is on a computer and not a DVD it goes further... much further.    It will grow with you and your child!  the program is limitless!
The best money we ever spent on educational materials!
The Doc (leanna)

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« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2010, 06:11:39 PM »

i think the program is great my 10 month old really likes the math.  He will start kicking and getting hyper when we begin our lessons. my 4 year old also adores the program i really love the program

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« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2010, 08:57:03 AM »

The biggest motivating factor for me purchasing Little Math, is that as a student, I found Maths really boring and I always had to work at it to get A's. It didn't come naturally, and I hated my Math Lessons throughout school. I grew up with siblings who loved Math, and found it so easy and fun to do. I wanted this for my daughter. So from birth, I decided that I was going to ensure that her love for learning extended to Math too.

I am a working mom, who does not have time for putting together hundreds of Math flashcards, and I think I have forgotten so much of it too! Little Math was the easy and most cost effective choice for me. I am an avid believer in the benefits of Right Brain / Early Education, and the method of teaching my little girl through dots / shapes flashed one second at a time, makes so much sense - and I have seen FANTASTIC results!!!

I believe that my little girl has developed a love for Math now, and she gets so excited when we put on the Little Math program for her. The different voices keep her interested, and the different shapes used keep her fixed to the screen. Best of all, the lesson curriculum is all done for me already, and I do not have to spend hours preparing her curriculum.

Help your little ones develop a passion for Math too!

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