Yes you can, more popular languages will be easy as you can just download files from the Brill Kids library, otherwise you can create your own (it takes a lot of time though)
Check out these links: is about 60 Catagories with pictures, sounds and video that you need to translate, I'm busy translating 2 languages and estamate that it will take me atleast 60 hours in total to translate these per language. If you decide not to include voice recordings, it will take A LOT less time, maybe not even 5 hours in total. Then Little Reader also includes story books and pattern phonics catagories, I have not started translating these, but they will also take quite some time to do if I'm going to include voice recordings.
Brill Kids call their voice recordings "pronounciations" for text and "picture audios" for recordings that go along with the pictures.
I hope this helps