Hi there,
My daughter is 22 months, and she's doesn't like to sit and watch LM or LR either. So I just play it in the background so at least she can hear it even though she isn't looking at it. She totally ignores LM and prefers it over LR. At the moment, I put LM on when she sits on the potty, and she sometimes watches it then.
She has started to develop her own personality and says "no!" whenever I put it on. She takes out her other DVDs but I try and insist on it and just play it.
It was so much easier when she was younger, and just watched it whenever I put it on.
But I do think LR is the best thing ever, and has really helped her to develop her speech and language. She has started to say 4 word sentences like, "tiger sleeping in Zoo", "tiger wake up now", "mummy sit down here" and most other 2 year olds aren't even saying sentences yet. I often get parents saying to me, "wow, she's talking loads! how old is she?" and they can't even believe she's not even 2 yet.
Anyway, I think you should just carry on with it. Its never too late. They may pick it back up again later.
PS when I was talking to a speech and language teacher, she told me that a child needs to hear a word at least 50 times before they understand it or say it.... well that's why LR is so good, we just need to 'click' it and it repeats it... can you imagine saying a word 50+ times