I've been using LMs for a little while now but only consistently since the full curriculum was available, with my one-year old son we are up to lesson 76. We listen once or twice a day and i show it 'mixed' up with LR and LM (the LMs really helps keep him focused an interested, especially in LM!).
We don't really do many additional lessons - just each day of the curriculum. We also have a keyboard right next to the computer which has the Soft Mozart stickers on for two octaves. We do a lot of free play on the keyboard as well. I have uploaded some fantastic icons by Sonya which are rainbow coloured but also have the soft mozart images on. We use these for the solfege and hear and sing section. Plus in the chord recognition, it is possible to start with some fun icons which then switch to soft mozart when the singer's voice plays.
I was quite amazed over the past two weeks to notice that he has started singing and (sometimes) searching out the correct key on the keyboard! A few days ago he was saying Dah, Dah, when we were playing on the keyboard and I suddenly realised he was saying Do. I then played Do on the keyboard and realised that he was actually singing C in tune!! He's done the same for Re, Fa and Sol (no Mi for some reason!). To be honest, I had no idea that young babies could even sing in tune. I don't want to pre-empt as he's not always spot on, but I did wonder if he was showing signs of perfect pitch as I have heard him sing Dah correctly before the note was played. He is actually better than I am. He also likes to play the note in different octaves and can find Low, middle or high Do (if in the mood).
Having said that, his favourite game is to turn the volume up to MAX and then smash the keys or turn on the demo track / switch from piano to different musical instruments. He has found things that I had no idea the keyboard could even do
I will keep going and see what happens - but it is a very exciting start!
My 3-year old has been more tricky to get into a routine with LMs so we are only on day 48 and she doesn't like being tested but I hope that for her too, this will also help her to learn music.