Editing Options ---Off topic- Could we get a button up top here in the forum submit area of a few of the most used colors? Red at least? I try to highlight Most important thoughts, topics or questions just with one color so it doesn't get distracting. Thank you
Hi Guys,
I've just re-read my post and wanted to say, as usual, i seem to be suggesting "Dream" features for V5 as well as the requested "Live in the Moment of this reality "
After using the cool custom personalize features i can tinker with,
the more it's inspired me to really use the system to the best of it's potential.
I've noticed, with all children, that they get bored seeing or doing the same thing over & over again.

except when the exact opposite is true

I've decided that
I want to add a substantial amount of personal files to the system and i'm realizing just how much time that is going to take.EX. family members, young cousins mainly as i find baby Wyatt responds really well to children.
My Goal.... adding a min of
- 2-4 recordings of pronunciation for each existing word in standard curriculum
- 2-4 recordings of the description for each existing word in standard curriculum
Also, a minimum of 200 new words with all needed files per word or name....
pictures of family, his toys, his home etc.
Big goals, but i know whatever time i can find to add to the program, Wyatt already clearly likes.
No question at all that he is more interested in the personal additions.
So, the more automatic the better. This is a follow up on previous posts Re: Little Reader suggestions - Help us improve Little Reader!
search for...
Mass info and
KL termed it " Intelligent Sorting" ..suggestions LR. mass audio record & auto sort- per category????
http://forum.brillkids.com/little-reader/little-reader-suggestions/msg61235/#msg61235Editing Options-
Trim audio- very cool and easy to use. --- I've noticed some of my recordings go long so it's silent ...
so pointer speed is not correct.
I'm guessing that happens when i didn't use the trim feature, before i found it. It's really easy to use once i found it and it's actually kind of fun

BUT.....do we have to use it or
is there an auto audio trim feature that would sense the silence and trim it to optimum length before and after sound stops? We still have the play/review button if we create a file that has a pause that computer interprets as too long silent.
I've noticed ,after wards, when i'm playing full categories with wyatt, some of my recordings are much quieter.
( I'm going to get an actual plug in microphone rather than use my built in one. ...
Next day......I just bought a " Snowball " from the company "Blue".
Approx $110 and i'm looking forward to trying it out because i'm going to
add a LOT of extra audio files and pictures to the full curriculum AND family category.)
But, if you could create an all around button that makes the best corrections that it can,
that would be more enticing to use.
make it ....louder, softer, less static. trim etc.
then we "Play" button to judge if its good, then...save or try again...
What about a total Optimize for every category. An all in one per file?-
- Maybe that's what "normalize" button is supposed to be??
I have tried it but some recordings seem too soft when compared to the pros.
Yes, there's a reason they sound like pros. You've hired good people and done all the optimizing

Maybe if our part isn't good enough, even after going through normalize or optimize...
we get a warning pop up saying not up to proper standards,
we recommend u try again? then we know and can choose.
ex. in my I-Photo and probably all photo programs, there is a button in edit..
" Enhance ".
I suppose that where things are naturally heading towards without me suggesting, but just in case, is more "Automatic everything".
Some people like to spend hours tinkering with every possible combination of options to get a picture just the way they want it.
just custom.
Most people, i think, just want the fiddling to be done for them. That's the category i'm in after spending some time using the cool features.
I want to have my personal stuff in the program. I really do.
I understand, and keep telling myself, that there's lots of time

I don't have to do it all in one sitting.
But that really is the goal i keep coming back to because going one recording by one, even with the great improvements,
still has multiple clicks and realistically takes a lot of time.
I understand as a training video producer, that's just the way it is with current tech. Certainly for creating professional products.
But for a home user..... sometimes good enough is good enough. A good all around new word submission today
( text,multiple photo's, multiple video's, multiple audios )....... is better than a perfect submission tomorrow or more likely....
.....never, because it will always be on our list to get to sometime.
Finding ways to ... 1. create, 2. Input 3. optimize 4. test 5. Save to LR Or delete and try again...
We do the personalize part.... ie record our voice in your "add audio area" ( WAAAY better by the way...in one place ),
add picture and add video ( i haven't tried yet. a little more intimidated by that than the others actually. kind of on point actually ).
We input our personal file into your system and press the magic "auto-enhance" and
your system makes the best of what we have submitted to suit your system. Wouldn't that be cool???
Whew, on to the next of the hundreds of files i want to add. ( until the real dream V6,7 or 8?? with mass info auto Intelligent sorting

Size of file-length, mb etc., increase sound if its too soft, soften out the edges if it's to background noise etc., etc...
Anyway, i think that's the short to medium term "dream" button.
Thank you all for your hard and intelligent & creative work to make everything better every day.
Good job!!
Make Today Count!