Hi Yisrael,
I'm glad to know that the flash playback problem was sorted out!
For your playback progress, you'll need to recreate the profiles for your children, and then you can mark your previously-played lessons manually:
1. Open LR and click on "My Child" at the top left corner of the LR window
2. In the drop-down window, click [Customize...]'
3. Recreate your children's profiles (add their name, picture, then check or un-check the courses you want to set for each child)
4. Select one of the child profiles and go to the PLAY & EDIT > Courses screen, then for the "Display" option, select the Semester that child is in.
5. Below the "Display" option is a list of "Day" lesson folders. Select the lessons your child has finished - click on the very first folder at the top, press and hold your SHIFT key, then click on the last folder that your child has finished (e.g., select folders for Days 1 to 20 if your child is already at Day 21).
6. Right-click on your selection and select "Mark as Played" from the pop-up menu
Note: In case your child finished only half of a day's lessons (e.g., Session 1 only), you can expand any "Day" folder to select just the Session 1 lessons and mark those as played.
7. Select the other child profile and repeat Steps 4-6
About your activation:1. Go to LR's TOOLS > Software Information screen
2. Go to the "BrillKids Account" tab (located just below the PRINT and TOOLS buttons) then sign in to your account if you haven't done so already
3. Scroll down the page until you see the license key for your English curriculum
4. Select or highlight your complete license key, then press Ctrl + C on your keyboard
5. Go back to the "Software Information" tab and click on the "Enter License Key" button (at the bottom right part of the screen)
6. The license key you copied should be automatically pasted in the "License Key" text box, but if not, press Ctrl + V on your keyboard
7. Click on the "Activate" button and wait a few seconds until you see a message saying your license key was activated successfully