Hi Ayesha, since you can't open LR, you can save your LR's Application Data or ProgramData folder instead as your backup.
1. Open Computer (or My Computer) and go to:
For Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\BrillKids
For Windows Vista, 7 or 8: C:\ProgramData\BrillKids
**Note that the Application Data or ProgramData folder is hidden by default. If you cannot find that folder, follow the steps here to show hidden files and folders:
For XP:
http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows/display-hidden-folders-in-xp/For Vista, 7 or 8:
http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/show-hidden-files-and-folders-in-windows-vista/2. Select the entire "Little Reader" folder and copy it to your USB or external hard drive. Make sure all the subfolders inside it are also included when you copy it to your USB or external hard drive (e.g., "Data," "Fonts," "Media Library," etc.)
3. Download and install Little Reader in your new computer, and once it's installed, close it. Transfer the "Little Reader" folder that you have backed up from the old computer into the corresponding Application Data or Program Data folder in your new computer.
4. Open LR and check if your backed up lessons are complete. Make sure to reactivate your license key(s) for your BrillKids curricula too.