Over the coming days or weeks, I'll be posting a series of 'useful tips to know' about using Little Reader, in order to help you get more out of Little Reader.
The first 'tip' concerns using FLASH mode - both word flash and picture flash.
BackgroundThe Flash mode was designed particularly for right-brain training, which (for teaching to read) involves rapid flashing of cards. As I remember Janet Doman saying in one of the Glenn Doman DVDs about flash cards (physical ones), you don't have to worry about flashing them too fast, because you won't be able to physically get to a point where it's actually too fast.
The problem I used to have with physical flash cards is that it can be cumbersome to flash rapidly, especially when the cards are so big. So this function in Little Reader is meant to help us avoid fumbling with flash cards and dropping them all over the place!
A. Pronounce the words yourself!If you are happy with your own pronunciation of the words, then turn off the pronunciation function in the Playback screen (make sure the "Pronunciation On" check box is UNCHECKED) and read the words out yourself.
The reason for this is so that you would be able to flash the words FASTER, cos with the pronunciation files there, it would take longer since the words were pronounced relatively slowly, and there's a slight gap at the start of each pronunciation file which causes further delay. (The ending gap won't matter as much because you can cut short the pronunciation playback by forwarding to the next slide before the pronunciation file has finished playing.)
However fast you pronounce, though, please make sure that you continue to enunciate the words CLEARLY.
Later on, we may release new pronunciation sets for you all where the words are spoken at a much faster pace with zero gap in the beginning, so that those who are not comfortable pronouncing the words can also achieve rapid flashing.
B. Turn the Pointer OFFWith rapid flashing, you don't have time to use the pointer!
C. Use the NEXT-WORD PREVIEW featureThis is a little preview of the next word which shows up as very small text at the bottom right corner of a slide. By default, this is turned on. If not, you can adjust this under Pointer Settings.
When you play back, you should focus on the preview and not on the big text which is what your child will look at. Basically, you would call out the preview word at the same time you hit the next button. That way, the moment your child sees a word, you would be calling out the word at exactly the same time. Once you get the hang of it, you can achieve very rapid flashing.
D. Flash words, followed by picturesSome of you may like to ensure that you're teaching your child not just how a word is pronounced (ie., association of a sound/pronunciation with a word letters), but also the MEANING associated with the word. By purely flashing words, you do not get to teach meaning.
Therefore, after you flash a set of words, flash the corresponding pictures. Switch the display mode to "Pictures only (flash)." Note, in this mode, the pronunciation file is automatically played back, INSTEAD of the Sound FX/Picture Audio which normally accompanies pictures. Again, if you can, then turn off the pronunciation and pronounce the words yourself.
Randomized PlaybackStart by flashing the words/pictures "According to list." After a few times, try randomizing the playback order by selecting "Order: Random".
However, if you're flashing back words immediately followed by pictures, then I think it's more important you keep the order the same for both words and picture flash.
Hope you find this helpful!
Anyone with anything to add about using the Flash mode?