EXTENSION LICENSE KEYS ARE NOW AVAILABLE TO EXTEND YOUR LITTLE READER BETA TESTING PERIOD UNTIL SEPTEMBER 30, 2008.For those who have already posted in this thread, we will be PMing you the link to download the new license, so you won't have to post a request again.And for those of you who have yet to request for the license key, kindly follow the instructions below.
Cheers, and happy beta testing!

THE EXTENSION LICENSE WE ARE PROVIDING YOU WILL EXTEND YOUR LICENSE UNTIL SEPTEMBER 30, 2008.NOTE: If you have downloaded and installed Little Reader after September 1st, do not request for this license key.
Here’s what you need to do:1.)
Make sure you have downloaded and installed the newest beta version of the program – Little Reader (BETA) 1.04. This license key will only work for Little Reader 1.04 and higher versions, so make sure you have the correct version. • If you want to know what version you have currently installed, simply open your Little Reader Program, and on the upper left part of the program, press the drop down menu for “Help” and select “About BrillKids Little Reader.”
• If you have an old version, download and install Little Reader (BETA) 1.04 by going to your
Accounts Management Page.
Reply to this forum thread to let us know you need a license key! • We’ve decided to spice things up a bit to make it more interesting – In your request for a license key, include a brief sentence or two telling us how much you LOVE Little Reader! (Yes, this is a bit of shameless fishing for compliments on our part, but we really do want to know!)
We will then send you a Private Message (PM) with a link where you may download your license key extension! • Download the license key [little Reader (License Extension 1).zip]
• Assuming you are using Windows XP or Vista, simply double click on it to view the contents of the zip file.
• To install the key, simply double-click on Little-Reader-Beta-Extension-Key-1.lrd-lic, and it will automatically open your Little Reader program and confirm if you want to input the new license key.
• Click on “OK” and you’ll be able to use your Little Reader until September 30, 2008!
Hope to hear from all of you soon!
Having problems installing the license key? Discuss them here.