Hi Chukwuma!
** For question #1:
"Of" and "them" are covered in the "Sight Words" segment of your lessons - this particular segment only flashes words.
The games in your lessons are set to pick words randomly from the "Multisensory" and "Sight Words" segments. Also, in general the game in Session 1 lets your son pick from pictures while the game in Session 2 lets your son pick from words.
If you want to skip all Sight Words from the games, just follow these steps:
1. Open Little Reader and go to the PLAY & EDIT screen.
2. Click on the "Courses" button and select "BrillKids English (UK) Semester 2" from the Display dropdown list.
3. Click on the Edit button to open the Edit Course window.
4. Go to the "Session 1" tab.
5. Select the "Game" sub-tab (located in the left side of the window).
6. In the "Words Chosen From" box (middle of the window), un-tick the box for "Sight Words"
Optional: If you want all the games to always be picture games, click on the "Edit Presets List" button in the lower right part of the window. In the smaller window that opens, select "BK Word Game" in the right-hand box and click the "<-" (left arrow) button, then click on Save.
7. Next, go to the "Session 2" tab and repeat Steps 5 to 6.
8. When you're done with all your edits, click on the Save button, then click on the Close button.
9. When asked if you "want to generate lessons now," choose YES. Once Little Reader has finished re-generating your courses, you may continue playing your lessons with the changes applied.
** For question #2:
This is completely up to you. Seeing the words will be great practice for reading, but if he is uncomfortable with picking from words right now, then you can choose to show only pictures until he's ready. If your son tends to pick both options or the wrong one, that's okay - you can always ask him to try again, or you can "help" him pick another answer.
If the options are only words, perhaps you can read all the words with him first, and then repeat the question for him so he can try again.